And the best organ award goes to....

Is this topic weird?

  • Definetely bro, you've got issues up in that brain you holding hostage!

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  • Nah man, is cool.

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... the tongue!
I was suddenly caught thinking about the importance of this long pink wet thing that's in my mouth constantly... yes, you may snicker... after I accidentally bit it during a moment of anger and frustration, and I bit it hard.
Hard enough to think about it far too long after and really, if I had managed to bite through the tough muscle I'd live the rest of my life a mute and tastless human eternally incapable of joining or even immitating KISS.

I am most serious in my adamant suggestion of this organ's utter importance. To not be able to utter another word when I am so used to doing so whenever I please, or singing a sordidly random song about a bread box taking over the world in a moment of delirium would be complete internal torture. To not roll and release realizations and ramblings at a moment's whim and letting other's know my stupidity and inanity verbally would hurt me far more than not being able to jump kick a fire hydrant.

And taste, oh how that mixed elation and disgust depending on that which I taste, and in partnership with my nose, how that makes a life feel more full as I fill my stomach. To not be able to taste is as to not feel any kind of pleasure during sex, it would make the reachings of nourishment feel so monotonous and bland in their repeating requirements that soon I wouldn't even care to devour and digest at all.

From there it can be surmised the further applications of the companion that likes to hide in your mouth hole as this is not the forum to discuss some of these things, and I only wanted to express the fear that would accompany the loss of that little guy.

And to you, fellow forumers, I request what you think could be considered your favorite organ, limb, or any kind of thing that you were lucky enough to be born with, if you were.

(Obviously without hands you'd have a hard time responding, and without a tongue you'd not be able to use a speech to text program too well either and I'd say the internet simply is not your domain handless, tongueless poor soul.)

But, yes, thoughts are welcome, even if this IS a really weird topic, kinda.
Greywolfe1982 said:
...The brain? >_>
D'aww, shucks, but that's a no-brainer.
And with the sincerity of a rampaging mob, I meant that as only a phrase. I should have worded it, "Excluding the brain, with which we all have and would be inheritly the simple answer because it's that which we can ignore while snorting crack off of a dead hooker but being so messed up we don't know she's dead until sirens are blaring."

So yes, the brain wins, but I was looking for other answers like, "The liver, because it lets me drink alcohol and be an all around more constructive individual." =P
Kidney. Because:

1) Kidney rids bloodstream of stooooopid toxins... Alcohol is probably included. The fact that it works together with the awesome liver is a plus (works with the "penus" as well?).

2) It can produce its own stones, and you can wear those around your neck. (gross, but awesome... your very own stone, made by your own body!)

3) One kidney is just as awesome as two; you get a backup.

4) The heart sucks because it's associated with love and such for some strange reason... It's just a hunk of muscle.

... Forget about it. The appendix is the apogee of awesomeness just because it can swell up and kill you after years of being completely useless.
jc00l said:
Yokiro said:
Greywolfe1982 said:
...The brain? >_>
D'aww, shucks, but that's a no-brainer.

... you should get banned for a pun that bad

Actually, if you read the next line I stated that I only said that because it was the most obvious phrase to use, and any retarded pun was unintentional. That's what "I meant that only as a phrase." meant, I just didn't spell it out as plainly as, "Is not for sake of pun, is for sake of simplicity," like I just did just now.
So I'm sorry you were offended, but suck it and read more carefully.
I should have said "that's too obvious" obviously, but it's retarded to tread around words so trepidly that to fear the use of a shite pun consumes a life momentarily in the possible terribleness of internet folks ferocious insulting.
So, no, blocking would be frighteningly weak minded. (Again, not a fucking pun, but a completely unrelated comment.)

(And the landlord didn't inform me he was going to have construction going on right outside of AND above my window, so I woke up after two hours of sleep due to LOUD fucking banging, scraping like a harvester with a million finger nails attached rotating against miles of chalkboard, and joke-making and am in a bad mood and trying to contain violently geek slapping someone.)

Edit: Well, I finally got back to sleep and with my brain recharged I shall say, I'm sorry jc00l, you were just calling out what was overtly crappy yet unintentional. Bravo sire, bravo.
A compelling case could be made for skin....
But it's not necessary, I'm just throwing in a hat for skin right now.
So skin, the sweet scented (not really) thing we all look at and has the penus (which i knew was going to be said quickly) nicely encased in its skin-ness.
Yokiro said:
jc00l said:
Yokiro said:
Greywolfe1982 said:
...The brain? >_>
D'aww, shucks, but that's a no-brainer.

... you should get banned for a pun that bad

Actually, if you read the next line I stated that I only said that because it was the most obvious phrase to use, and any retarded pun was unintentional. That's what "I meant that only as a phrase." meant, I just didn't spell it out as plainly as, "Is not for sake of pun, is for sake of simplicity," like I just did just now.
So I'm sorry you were offended, but suck it and read more carefully.
I should have said "that's too obvious" obviously, but it's retarded to tread around words so trepidly that to fear the use of a s*** pun consumes a life momentarily in the possible terribleness of internet folks ferocious insulting.
So, no, blocking would be frighteningly weak minded. (Again, not a f****** pun, but a completely unrelated comment.)

(And the landlord didn't inform me he was going to have construction going on right outside of AND above my window, so I woke up after two hours of sleep due to LOUD f****** banging, scraping like a harvester with a million finger nails attached rotating against miles of chalkboard, and joke-making and am in a bad mood and trying to contain violently geek slapping someone.)

Edit: Well, I finally got back to sleep and with my brain recharged I shall say, I'm sorry jc00l, you were just calling out what was overtly crappy yet unintentional. Bravo sire, bravo.

I apoligize too, i think you mis interpreted the tone in which i intened that line to be read(its always hard on the internet). Yes it was an awful pun, but i enjoy awful puns i was laughing when i was typing. I was not offended and was just being sarcastic.

And about the read more carefully part i generally skim through your posts because most the time they are about two paragraghs, so i read enough to get the jist of them and respond accordingly.(i hope that doesn't come out sounding too bad i mean that in the best way possible. i do enjoy how you bring a bit more intellegence to the forum)

And yes i understand the irony of my post being about two paragraghs.
Yokiro said:
A compelling case could be made for skin....
But it's not necessary, I'm just throwing in a hat for skin right now.
So skin, the sweet scented (not really) thing we all look at and has the penus (which i knew was going to be said quickly) nicely encased in its skin-ness.
But do you understand, that the skin is the most important organ for immunity? Without it, bacteria, viruses, solar radiation, and plenty of toxins would absolutely devour our bodies. We'd have no chance to live. Could you live without a tongue? Definitely.
Best organ award goes to:


The Hammond C-3!
Identical sounding to the more popular B-3, but looks less "churchy".
jc00l said:
I apoligize too, i think you mis interpreted the tone in which i intened that line to be read(its always hard on the internet). Yes it was an awful pun, but i enjoy awful puns i was laughing when i was typing. I was not offended and was just being sarcastic.

And about the read more carefully part i generally skim through your posts because most the time they are about two paragraghs, so i read enough to get the jist of them and respond accordingly.(i hope that doesn't come out sounding too bad i mean that in the best way possible. i do enjoy how you bring a bit more intellegence to the forum)

And yes i understand the irony of my post being about two paragraghs.

It's completely understandable, I actually wouldn't read the whole of my posts either becasue I'm a jist guy too. Sorry again about freaking out, I'm just crazy. =p And sarcasm is sometimes so hard to determine when written, so I probably seem like an ass to quite a few people.
So glad we're a happy love forum again!

@Flaming Tiki God: And not only is the skin beneficial in almost every aspect, it's huge, and huger for some.... if you know what I mean.

@MasterChirs: And the play on the word organ, good job, not even I was thinking of that, it made me laugh. =P

If you spell it penUS it makes it feel like a group effort, we can all share in the glory!

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