2014 Completed Games List

Finished the main storyline of Mass Effect 2, now I'm just doing the DLC storyline missions. First up was Lair of the Shadow Broker. Next is either Project Firewalker (which I might skip) or Overlord. I'm going to finish ME2 off with Arrival, before moving onto Mass Effect 3.

Spoilers regarding Mass Effect 2's ending (my ending):

Funnily enough, one of my characters actually died during the final mission, the Suicide Mission. I didn't think anyone would die, because I had everyone's "loyalty", everyone was levelled up as much as possible, carrying good weapons and the Normandy was fully upgraded.

During the first phase of the Suicide Mission, I sent Tali through the maintenance tunnels while the Fire Team was lead by Garrus. In my own squad was Thane and Grunt. No one died.

In the second phase, Samara was selected to hold up the biotic field to protect us from the seeker swarms. Again, Garrus continued leading the second team while Shepard had Grunt and Thane with her. Mean while, Mordin Solus was sent to safely escort the Normandy crew back to the Normandy. No one died.

During the final phase, Shepard took two squad mates with her, leaving everyone else to "bunker down" and hold position. Shepard took Grunt and Garrus with her. After the final battle with the Human Reaper Larvae, everyone survived except for Tali. She was killed in action.

I didn't like this, as I wanted everyone to get out alive, so being the sad loser I am, I reloaded one of my older files and made a slightly different decision. I did a bit of research online and discovered that in the final fight, depending on who you take with you in that fight could determine the fate of some of your squad members. Garrus and Grunt are among the best soldiers of the squad, it's highly recommended at least one of them stays behind in the final fight. So in my second try, Shepard took Miranda and Tali with her (girl power squad) and thus, everyone survived.

Had no idea who I had in my squad could affect the overall outcome.

End spoilers.
^ Mass Effect 2 Spoiler Ending for the Above

I went in it cold, and the only fault in my plan was dicking around doing Overlord instead of hauling ass to the Omega 4 Relay immediately after Legion's loyalty mission. Didn't realize that it would matter at first until I was only able to rescue a few crew members, Chakwas chewed me out, I sent them alone and they all died. Kept on going, took my bro Garrus and Zaeed to the final boss to kick it's ass and Mordin died offscreen.

I couldn't handle the empty ship so I went all the way back to before I started Overlord and went on with the mission. Everybody survived.

What I did know was:

Legion or Tali for the vent thing, kept on sending Legion because Legion is Geth, machine master and always felt a bit bad sending Tali into the vents. Garrus for the second team because he's my bro and he led a team as Archangel. Took maybe Grunt and Zaeed, but it was the same decision as the first run.

And Jacob suggesting he does shit that is way out of his field of doing stuff made me want the option of smacking him upside the head for being a dumbass. Maybe as Fem/Shep.

Second, Jack as the field because she is beast with biotics and I think Tali and maybe Garrus because I know I sent Jacob as a team leader once because he had the skills to pay the bills.

Mordin, check. Go back ya hoser, protect the crew with your stealth expertise.

Final phase, left Grunt because he is a tank and this time took my bro Garrus (Again, but it started with him and I and it'll end the same way) and I think Tali or Miranda because I wanted to change it up a bit. Probably Miranda for her dialogue.
And the M90 Cain, the fourth party member for how much it kicks ass. Limited use but what it has is amazing. Seriously amazing. Godly amazing.

Never had anyone die in that run or apart from Mordin overall excluding the crew. I did give it some thought on who to leave behind and who to bring, if at least to compliment my sniper. Shep was only really good with that amazing Widow in ME2 but could use a pistol if the Husks came a bit too close.

End spoilers

And did Overlord after that, concluded with Shadow Broker for the final thing I did in ME2. Think I gave up on Firewalker when I found out it had no effect on stuff happening in ME3 and I already got all I wanted from upgrades.
Fun times all around in Mass Effect 2, Loved it, glad you all enjoyed it too.

I finished Borderlands 2, at least one playthrough of it. Now looking for people to help carry me through the next few, well see how it goes.
HK-47 said:
And did Overlord after that, concluded with Shadow Broker for the final thing I did in ME2. Think I gave up on Firewalker when I found out it had no effect on stuff happening in ME3 and I already got all I wanted from upgrades.

If Project Firewalker doesn't affect ME3 in anyway then I'm gonna skip it. In that case, next weekend I'll begin with Overlord, followed by Arrival to conclude the epic adventure.

Mass Effect 2 spoilers (regarding the ending):

I've finished Mass Effect 2 three times now, but I've done some research into the Suicide Mission via the Mass Effect wiki to check some stuff out.

The vent - Sending in Legion is a good call. While you'd feel bad about Tali, she can still get the job done. The third character who can achieve this is Kasumi, which makes sense given she is a master thief (although available only through the Stolen Memories DLC). If you send anyone else (such as Jacob as he offers) then they'll die. Which ever specialist you send through the vent must be loyal, or else they'll die regardless.

The Fire Team leader (phase 1 and phase 2) - There's three options here and you were smart about it HK-47. You can either have Garrus, Miranda or Jacob to do the job. They're all not only soldiers, but leaders too, which Grunt and Zaeed are not. Whoever is the Fire Team leader must also be loyal. However, a non-loyal Miranda can survive the second phase as fire team leader.

The biotic field - Again you made the right choice as only two characters can pull this off, despite having a wide number of biotics on the team. Only a loyal Jack or Samara can do this job. Miranda, Jacob and Thane can try and do this but they'll be killed in the end.

The escort - In all fairness, any loyal squad member can do this. If you send an escort with the Normandy crew, the crew will always survive, but if the squad member is not loyal, the squad mate will be killed in the process. A loyal squad member will survive. It's generally recommended to send Mordin, because there's a bug in the Suicide Mission where Mordin may get killed in the end. Obviously if you give the Normandy crew no escort, they'll all be killed.

The final battle - It's recommended that you leave behind two "strong defenders", such as Garrus, Grunt and Zaeed. I made the wrong choice here in my most recent run as I took both Garrus and Grunt with me, and while all my squad mates were loyal, it resulted in the death of Tali. In my second attempt, I left both Garrus and Grunt behind (taking Tali and Miranda with me) and the entire crew survived.

End spoilers.
Spoilers I guess

The bug you refer to is not actually a bug, Mordin is just first on the list. If he is loyal and joins you even in the final battle, he will be safe. Otherwise everyone is spot on. Ironically I know folks who hate that aspect of the game, which I understand because it is a mechanical way to give impact to the story and the mission, and only gives you a specific path to get through in the end.

Still, good game, good ending. Enjoy Overlord and Arrival, it will make things...interesting...
I've played Overlord and Arrival before and both of which I've enjoyed. For me, they enhance the overall story and especially leading into Mass Effect 3.

Without spoiling much, I like to save Arrival for last because for me, it makes the beginning of Mass Effect 3 make a little more sense.

It was Curse of Monkey Island. Easily tied with the original in quality, which is no minor feat.
Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC, which is awesome enough to mention completion here.
I could replay it for this bit alone. Probably a better ending than the actual ending from what I heard, and it was just a great DLC overall.

And I'll be back here with more Mass Effect later in the week, because I haven't played much of anything else at home still.

Longo_2_guns said:

It was Curse of Monkey Island. Easily tied with the original in quality, which is no minor feat.

That sea shanty gets me every time. And that kid who sells you ship upgrades, his tirade with "incorporated" in it for the final upgrade, always loved it.
Recently finished Stealth Inc and Fez on my Vita. Platinumed The Wolf Among Us on PS3 last night. Currently playing Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair on the Vita.
You might say this thread has had a MASS AFFECT on me.


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