Your particularly impressive gaming feats?

De-Ting said:
TheJx4 said:
I live in the age of "everything has f****** multiplayer"
Not exactly an excuse for not playing single-player games.

When did I say it was?

Most of the games I play tend to have a focus on multiplayer...which is why my "impressive feat" is likely to come from a multiplayer game.

There's not much to accomplish in single player when it comes to yeah.
De-Ting said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
With the invention of wireless controllers, I was able to go pee while playing a video game.
Only to pee? Bret please!

Good sir, I was playing the game when I felt the urge. I played while heading to the bathroom,whilst using it, and on my way back.

Achievement Unlocked:
What Pause Button?

Achievement Unlocked:
Sanitize Brett's Controller
I suck when it comes to stuff like this. Umm, guess I would have to say scoring a little over 1.1 mil in butterflies on Bejeweled 3 to claim all-time high score within the family. Take that, kids!
Two feats that come to mind:

1. Need for Speed Underground released and my older brother had been playing it non-stop. He wanted to race me but I wasn't as far in the game as he was so he let me use one of his cars. A car that was slower than his nissan skyline (his prized possession). Somehow I wonder the race without any dirty tricks. After my celebration my brother silently left the room and said "nothing big it's just a game." No sir.............. That loss hurt your soul........ And I will bask in the glory

2. Beating Crash Bandicoot one, with the terrible save system and frustrating levels the fact that child me beat that game still surprises me. Last year I replayed CB and I wondered how I had the patience to finish the game (and back then I used to get very angry and yell at my TV like I was going to murder it). Maybe because back then every game was a platformer and I've now gotten rusty but I personally think that at least the original CB is pretty tough.

Bonus one: beating all my friends in a round of Super Smash Bros on N64 with the broken N64 controller. They were much better than me and played with top characters, I had a controller that was a poor excuse of old nintendo technology, I was pikachu playing Nes, Samus and Kirby
Oh that reminds me. Using the active camo in Halo: Reach and assassinating GR members. Whenever the radar is faulting, it's (usually) me.
For me the list of my video game achievements that i'm especially proud of is short because I'm not good at video games, so ...
:oops: :cry:

mmohunter :D
Longo_2_guns said:
danielrbischoff said:
edda0199 said:
I'm not good at video games
I've always felt this way.
You don't say? :wink:

I beat Final Fantasy 8 back in the day tripping on acid without a single bad trip. I find that an accomplishment.

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