Dragon Age is kicking my ass


I just got this game for my PC the other day and I was loving it. Great story, decent graphics, plenty of nude patches, and forgiving gameplay. Everything that made the game great.

Of course the gameplay was forgiving due to the fact that I was still in the noob area of the game. Once I ventured forth into the big world of Ferelden and started doing the main quest in redcliffe, I got hit in the face by the omgwtfbbqIpwnj00 stick... hard. After dying about 10 times trying to defeat the seemingly endless horde of undead coming from the castle in redcliff, I decided to change the difficulty to easy. After the 5th time after wiping on easy, I was forced to put clothes on Morrigan. You see, after Morrigan joined my party I decided that I'd keep her in my party and put up with her constant bitching as long as she goes through the entire game in her birthday suit. Pretty reasonable I thought. It is a damn shame that the game forced me to go against this agreement and actually clothe the woman.

Anyway, after like 2 hours of frustration I finally beat that portion and moved onto the castle. I was easily owning the dudes in the castle so I decided to place the difficulty back at normal. Almost immediately after changing the difficulty I sprung a trap and got pwned by like 6 undead dudes that seemingly came out of the woodworks. I reloaded my last save and then got owned by the first group of enemies that you run into. The ones I easily dispatched on easy.

Why is this game so hard? Does my gear just suck? Or do I have to play it strictly like I would a mmo? When I say that I mean do I have to rest up after every battle, actively check for better gear, and actually worry about crafting? In single player games I never go looking for gear and just use whatever the game gives me in my travels. Same goes for potions.
I think your gear might just suck, I didn't have a problem with that part at all, and I've beat the game twice, once with a caster and once with a warrior. I don't know what you're doing wrong but fix it
Well its actually easier to head either for Shale or the Mage tower first. That might be part of it to.
^lol, great advice

Anyway, I've decided to play it as if I was playing a MMO. Allistair is tanking, my mage (the only character with a heal) is the healer and debuffer, and Morrigan does dps and uses her debuffs when available. I always make sure the tank keeps aggro and stays healed. This works pretty well, but damn, does it drag every battle out. I have to press pause every two seconds to make sure the right spells are cast. I haven't messed with the tactics system enough to trust the AI to do anything.

I guess I just played easy mode games too long. I forgot how to play a game that actually requires you to think.
Are you serious?

There's many battles where i would pause, take control of the other characters and move them as far away as possible so that i could take the horde of enemies on my own, for fun.

What the hell are you doing wrong?
it doesn't help battle duration that every NPC warrior class blows, Sten being the worse. But i don't know what else to say because I never had any trouble on normal.
I think it was the area I went to. Redcliff probably wasn't a good choice for the first area to enter. Part of the quest at Redcliff sent me to the mage's tower and I am just steamrolling over enemies here. I guess the hordes of undead that are sent to you are a bit much for 3 noob characters that only have a few spells.
I had an elf archer that got absolutely raped by these huge spider things on Easy, like it took all of ten seconds for me and my party mate to get wrecked. This was the first level. I spent a good hour trying to beat that, only to fail miserably each time. I really don't know what I was doing wrong either.
I hate to admit it, and I feel utterly defeated by it, but I gave up on this game.

AWESOME GAME, but alas - it has beaten me.
For you guys who say you had no trouble with the game, is this the PC version or the console version? I know on the console version they disabled FF and disabled the overhead "tactical" view in order to make the game more action oriented. I wonder if the console version is easier because of this as well.
FrozenBacon said:
For you guys who say you had no trouble with the game, is this the PC version or the console version? I know on the console version they disabled FF and disabled the overhead "tactical" view in order to make the game more action oriented. I wonder if the console version is easier because of this as well.
I'm on PC, and i find it extremely easy.
This game is as epic as it is hard. Everywhere you go in this game something epic is happening. I just wanted to finish the main quest in Redcliffe before I went to bed, but in order to do that I had to travel to the circle tower. Of course, there was another terrible problem there to fix because I am apparently the only person in Ferelden who is capable of doing anything useful. Going through the dreamworld, defeating demons left and right just made the time fly by and the next thing I know it is 5:30 in the morning. I even switched the difficulty to easy so I would get through fights quicker and it still took me hours to complete this part of the game. I even skipped out on some potential party members because I wanted to finish this part of the game before I went to sleep. Then when all is said and done and I go back to the castle with my newly acquired mage friends, I am sent off to find some epic healing dirt to heal some old dude. God damn. This game is the biggest time sink that I ever encountered that did not come with a $15/month price tag.

As for the difficulty, I think that redcliffe fight was just needlessly difficult. The fact that I killed the dude that could've helped me, and didn't bother to really try to get any further aid didn't help either. The mage's tower was a lot easier as well. The final boss fight was a walk in the part compared to redcliffe, but I think that was due to the fact that I had a dedicated healer in my party this time. I probably just rushed through Lothering too quickly, causing me to miss out on a lot, including two party members
The game is horribly unbalanced in its difficulty. Most sections are as easy as Madster says, other, seemingly simple sections, can frustrate and kill you because you saved poorly or were slightly unprepared.

Best advice is to go grab the lame ass white mage and keep her in your party, even though she's boring as shit.

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