Your best and worst super heroes


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There's heaps of super hero movies coming out as of late. We were graced earlier this year with Deadpool and just recently the highly awaited Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice came to the big silver screen, unfortunately with mixed reviews. Soon we're going to be seeing Captain America: Civil War, X-Men: Apocalypse and eventually The Suicide Squad.

Most of us are into super heroes, whether it's comics, films or both. I wanna know, who's your favourite super hero and why, and who's your least favourite (e.g. complete shit) and why?

I'll post mine later, but I'm keen to see people's thoughts on this.
There are a bunch a like, but if I had to narrow it down and pick just one, I would go with the Hulk. He just wants to be left alone, but that never happens so he winds up wrecking shit. I also find him to be an interesting character because he is such a destructive force that even his allies fear him.

Least favorite would probably have to be Superman. I'm far removed from my comic days and I don't follow what's going on with them currently, but he was the only super hero that I'm aware of that had gotten so over the top with power and abilities that they had to go and tone it down a lot. So for a while he was pretty much perfect and made the need for other hero's kind of obsolete since he could do it all pretty much.
My most favorite superhero since I was a child was Batman. As time goes by, I started to like even more and more. Due to its realist and logical attitude, brainy especially the part when he knows every weakness of the Justice League.

Then I met Iron Man which made me almost shift to Batman as my favorite to Iron Man. This is because they're like almost the same but came from different comic. I like how Iron Man talks very prankly and sense of humor. And so, Iron Man became my second favorite comic superhero. lol

My all-time favorite superheroes will always be Spider-Man, the X-Men and Batman. Well, I kind of like Superman, too.
Sure, throughout the years, I've liked other superheroes as well, like the Avengers, Wonder Woman, etc., but those 4 will always remain my favorites and I will always like them more. Why?
Because I grew up with those 4, I loved watching their cartoons back in the 90's and sometimes I still watch them when I'm in a nostalgic mood. I have comic books of them, too.
So, those 4 will always remain my favorites.
I like Spawn, if only for its fantastic artwork.

As for villians, I like Maximum Carnage.. or is it just Carnage? Ehh, was a good video game.

Can't really think of a terrible super hero. It would probably be one from the DC universe, though.
Finally had a little time to sit and make a list for this topic. I have a lot of favorites, but these are ones off the top of my head that I love (or have loved and miss). I couldn't really think of any dislikes, so won't list any.

Captain America

I've always loved Cap. He always strives to do what is just and right while standing for something greater. While Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson have both had great turns as Cap, Steve Rogers will always be THE Captain America.


Frank goes where most heroes dare not. He goes after the worst of worst and dispenses true punishment. If you haven't read any of the Punisher Max stuff, do yourself and favor and check it out.


I've been intrigued by The Sentry for awhile. While the character was introduced in 2000, they set up his story as having always been around, just everyone had been forced to forget about him and all records of his existence had been erased until he had to return to fight The Void, who is eventually revealed to be the manifested dark side of The Sentry's split personality. As the world remembered him, he was retroactively added to past storylines and given histories with prominent characters. Bob Reynolds struggled with many issues in his life - drug addiction, crippling mental issues, a troubled marriage - but he always tried to do what was right, even while being manipulated by Norman Osborn during Dark Reign. You get to see him fully let loose during Siege when he pretty much single handedly destroys Asgard and literally rips Ares in half in graphic detail, before he is stopped and killed by Thor. I think he's later brought back for a brief stint as a Horseman of Apocalypse and finds redemption, but I haven't read those issues yet.

Nova (Richard Rider)

I'd never read any New Warriors, so my first experience with Richard Rider was while reading Annihilation. I thought he was a cool character who has this enormous burden of power thrust upon him. While trying to make sure the Nova Force wouldn't overwhelm him and drive him insane, he also had to deal with the responsibility of being the last of the Nova Corps. So he's zipping around the universe being a hero while holding himself together. I always enjoyed the humor and sci-fi action during his series. After the events of The Thanos Imperative, the role of Nova fell to Sam Alexander and while Sam's not bad, he's no Richard Rider.

Doctor Doom

What more can I say? He's Doctor F'n Doom. Easily one of the best comic characters period. He always has a way. He always has a plan. Often the only that trips him up is his own arrogance and refusal to believe he could be wrong about something. All should bow before Doom.


I feel it's almost cliche these days to call Deadpool a favorite character, but hey, he's popular for a reason. And handsome. Under the mask, totally hot and not horrifically scarred. Honest. Whether he's having an (often nonsensical) adventure of his own, playing the jester to Cable's straight man, or on one of his many team-ups, Deadpool entertains. He'll pop up about anywhere. Yeah, usually in your mom's bedroom. Nick Fury needs Skrull intelligence infiltrated? Call Deadpool! Cable and Hope are being hunted by Bishop in the future, hey look, it's centuries old Deadpool to lend a hand. Doctor Doom is on the verge of conquering Wakanda. T'Challa's 'unpredictable wildcard'? Throwing Deadpool into the mix! Think Storm would go out with me? And if the massive success of of his movie tells you anything, people just love Deadpool. Truthfully, I used all my royalties to buy up most of the tickets. I think only like 38 people actually saw it. Sequel!!

Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)

Carol Danvers is strong, smart, and a leader. And since she became Captain Marvel, shows that a female character can be all those things and wear an awesome costume that doesn't have to show off your ass and tits. My little niece has been getting into comics and this is the character I can show to her, buy action figures of, and not have to say "yeah, she's cool, just never dress like that".

Black Bolt

The Inhuman king who can level a mountain with but a whisper. With barely saying a word (due to his destructive voice) Black Bolt is still able to rule, command, and convey meaning with but the slightest of a look. He's another character I've latched onto in just the last few years, but he (and the Inhumans as a whole) has become one of my favorites.


I used to think of Thanos as Doctor Doom in space. And while Thanos should be proud of that comparison, he is very much a masterpiece on his own. Whether he's trying to conquer or allying with the good guys to stop others from conquering, he's always calculating. He's always planning. And over the past few years, has proved he has more layers than an onion. He's died. He's been killed. But but despite his affinity for death, Thanos always finds a way back.


This is actually a duel entry. I've always loved the Odinson. Anytime I'm reading a title and he shows up, I sit up and take notice. But not only do I enjoy his adventures, but post-Original Sin, he became unworthy of Mjolnir. There it lay on the moon until a cancer stricken Jane Foster (highlight to read, just in case it's a spoiler for anyone) tries to lift it and is deemed worthy. She becomes Thor in her own right and has a very enjoyable series. This Lady Thor is another one of those strong female comic characters I like to show to my little niece.

So there's my list. As you likely have noticed, the entire thing is Marvel. It wasn't intentional. As I was coming up with some of favorites, just nothing from DC or otherwise popped in my head. Guess I know where my loyalties lie. Marvel just tells better stories.

Also, the extent of my knowledge extends right up to just before the 2015 Secret Wars event occurred. To prepare for it, I went back to the original Secret Wars event from the 80s and ended up going through all major and important Marvel events in order. Some I'm re-rereading, some I'm going through for the first time and filling in gaps in my comic knowledge. I've just finished off nearly 400 issues worth of Dark Reign and Siege and now I'm wading through the Heroic Age. So, if this long ass post spawns any discussion, if you post any post Secret Wars info, I'd appreciate it if you'd make them highlight to read.

Ok, I'm tapped. Time for a beer and more comics.
I always liked Batman because of the Animated Series and the dark psychology behind the character.

I also loved the X-Men because of the social themes and political commentary.

I guess i'm a sucker for obvious metaphors.
Paradox: I agree completely with your first five, with the Sentry being one of my all time favorite takes on Superman (what's better than a Superman character getting his powers because he was a drug addict trying to get high?) That said, I've never been a big fan of Deadpool in any situation where he wasn't the comic relief to a bigger picture. I also haven't been liking the new Thor comics, simply because the only interesting parts of them were Thor trying to find out how he lost his powers.
(Although the Thors run during Secret Wars was fantastic).
I've been looking forward to Thors, I'd heard it was good. I'll probably make it to Secret Wars in the next few weeks. The next event I'll get to is Fear Itself. I haven't read it before, but most all that follows up to pre-Secret Wars I've been though. I'll still go through all those events and the stories in-between again anyway. Having all this history under my belt now can give me new perspectives for the second readings.
I think the batman is the best. Thats because Christoper Nolan made this hero versatile as a person. In myopinion batman as a character have a very strong dark side wich makes the character much more interesting.

I do not like the superman so much. Superman is too kind character and too stereotypical hero for my taste,

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