When did Resident Evil series become 28 Days Later series?

Caped_Crusader said:
I didn't find RE4 scary at all. It was such a huge disappointment to see that the creepy, slow-paced survival horror genre was replaced with a typical, arcade-like 3rd person shooter gameplay. And now, when RE5 is going to be exactly the same mindless shooter, I'm not interested in RE series anymore whatsoever. It has become another shallow, GOW style console franchise aimed at superficial teenagers. Three awful movies didn't help much either.
Friend, I think you need to give the other side a try and pick up Silent Hill 2.
Which I have to agree is the best of the SH series and the best survival horror game if you're looking for a scare fest.
And let's not forget Fatal Frame; biggest underrated game IMO. Probably because most people have the same opinion I did within the first 5 minutes. Some dumb Japanese schoolgirl with a magical camera that fights ghosts? Lame! However after those first 5 minutes I learned I was way off and the game scared the shit outta me.

As for Resident Evil 4. Capcom knew they had to revamp the series, the fixed camera angles and slow zombies worked for the PS1 era but they had to try something new. They tried FPS, online co-op, and a bunch of other crap that didn't work. So finally they decided to turn slow zombies into a bunch of fast, communicating, jumping, climbing, zombie-hissing people.

It might not be what you wanted, but by looking at the ratings it got they made the right move.
Outbreak had a lot of potential, it was just handled badly. If they gave it another shot borrowing the gameplay elements of Dead Rising it could be fantastic. Dead Rising 2 is rumoured ot have multiplayer.
masterchris said:
Caped_Crusader said:
I didn't find RE4 scary at all. It was such a huge disappointment to see that the creepy, slow-paced survival horror genre was replaced with a typical, arcade-like 3rd person shooter gameplay. And now, when RE5 is going to be exactly the same mindless shooter, I'm not interested in RE series anymore whatsoever. It has become another shallow, GOW style console franchise aimed at superficial teenagers. Three awful movies didn't help much either.
Friend, I think you need to give the other side a try and pick up Silent Hill 2.

Well, I played it to death back in 2003. I even bought this 2 disc DVD version with a special documentary "the making of " 'n stuff. Ripped it apart like a rabid dog, saw all the endings and if that wasn't enough, took some serious time reading plot guides and FAQs on the net just like I did with SH1. I think that was the last time when I was so excited about one game/series and it delivered big time, unlike RE4...
I mean, do you go and read plot FAQs about RE4? It was a shallow and forgettable, totally different experience and unfortunately there are too many games like that these days. Everybody wants to make a quick buck... Maybe some people like it but I'm tired of playing a game, saying a quiet "meh" and forget everything about it as soon as the credits start to roll. And it happens alarmingly frequently lately. Even Assassin's Creed, what was hyped up to be some kind of a revolution in next-gen gaming, fell flat on its face. Fortunately GTA4 is coming out soon, so hopefully there's a real reason to get back gaming once again. I really do believe that it will blow us away just like GTA3 did back in 2001.

I actually bought "Fatal Frame 2" recently just to see what this series is about but it's not as deep and scary as SH was but at least it tries to do something different and original. Trying to find a motivation to finish it though - walking around and taking pictures of ghosts is not enough, it needs a better and more involving story, more disturbing stuff.
Hexagram said:
And let's not forget Fatal Frame; biggest underrated game IMO. Probably because most people have the same opinion I did within the first 5 minutes. Some dumb Japanese schoolgirl with a magical camera that fights ghosts? Lame! However after those first 5 minutes I learned I was way off and the game scared the s*** outta me.
Hex, will you marry me? Seriously? We are so made for each other, it hurts!!

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