What Television Shows Are You Watching?

I'd give you my passcode, but I'm actually mooching off a friend's subscription already.
Has anyone watched Eastbound and Down? The gifs from that show are hilarious, but would like to know if its a good show
finished the wire. deciding what to watch next

thinking about Lost... havent seen a single episode, and have somehow managed to not find out how it ends.
Green_Lantern said:
Has anyone watched Eastbound and Down? The gifs from that show are hilarious, but would like to know if its a good show

Season one is genius and really should have stopped there, as it has a perfect ending.

The other seasons are ok.
intoTheRain said:
finished the wire. deciding what to watch next

thinking about Lost... havent seen a single episode, and have somehow managed to not find out how it ends.

Lost hits a beautiful stride in season 3, in fact 1-4 are pretty genius. Each episode from there gets a little bit worse until by the end it feels almost embarrassing to have loved it at the beginning.

I've never had a more satisfying tv experience than watching Lost week to week along with the rest of the world, and I've never had a tv show leave a worse taste in my mouth with its concluding season.

I think the way Lost invaded the zeitgeist obviously affected the way we loved it at the time, and paved the way for Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, et. al. Watching it now, even with the benefit of binge-viewing, I don't know if that experience would hold up.
I've binge watched a lot of shows since I got Netflix again. Orange is the New Black, Derek, An Idiot Abroad, Sherlock and more I've watched all the way through, great stuff.
I've always heard how The Big Bang Theory is right up my alley and whenever asked if I watched it, I always got an incredulous 'really!?' when I tell them I haven't outside of an occasional rerun I happen upon.

Well, at a coworker's insistence, I've started the show. I'm midway through the second season and really enjoying it.
Paradox said:
I've always heard how The Big Bang Theory is right up my alley and whenever asked if I watched it, I always got an incredulous 'really!?' when I tell them I haven't outside of an occasional rerun I happen upon.

Well, at a coworker's insistence, I've started the show. I'm midway through the second season and really enjoying it.

This show is kinda interesting to watch bro. Am I right?
Just recently finished catching up on The League, Parks and Rec, Community. Catching up on Walking Dead and the newest 24 season is next though to be honest Walking Dead got really bland. I started to dislike the "start off great then dull middle and exciting ending" format the show stuck to. Things felt way too dragged out.

Wanting to check out True Detective, heard so many great things about it. Anyone know if it's worth watching?
Delorean88 said:
Just recently finished catching up on The League, Parks and Rec, Community. Catching up on Walking Dead and the newest 24 season is next though to be honest Walking Dead got really bland. I started to dislike the "start off great then dull middle and exciting ending" format the show stuck to. Things felt way too dragged out.

Wanting to check out True Detective, heard so many great things about it. Anyone know if it's worth watching?

true detective is amazing. the 4th episode is the best hour of television i've seen in my life. the first two episodes are a little slow. and it kinda tapers off toward the end imo. was slightly disappointed with the conclusion, but honestly it was just too hard for them to keep the momentum going after the amazing episode 3/4/5

long story short, it is DEFINITELY worth a watch. McConaughey was amazing. you literally forget that it's him doing the acting.
You forgot it was Matt? Alright alright alright.

It's a great show and differently keeps you guessing but yeah the ending felt a little underwhelming. But there is a season 2 in the works so we'll see if it picks back up. I thought Woody was great too along side Matthew.

I'm looking forward to season 5 of The Walking Dead but the show is hit or miss. The problem the show has is it stretches things out for waaaay too long. Season 2 had some moments of brilliance but suffered greatly with episodes where nothing happens. Season 3 they extended it to 16 episodes which was stupid because they spent those extra 3 episodes building up a war that felt very anti-climatic. If they just stuck with the same episodes as season 2 it could have kept the tension it had in its first half. They did the same thing with season 4, its second half was building up to... A cliffhanger.

I really hope in season 5 they go back to 12-13 episodes and stop dragging things out. I mean they've got over 100 comics of material to work with.
I marathoned through Game of Thrones. Good show. I didn't read the books because I'm not a NEEEEEERD, but I did read the first one and enjoyed it. The middle of seasons 2 and 3 were slow, and anyone who goes "a bloo bloo bloo they kill everyone and my favorite characters" is an idiot. The only two people who died that were any good died in the first season. There were good characters who died but they fucking deserved it. And even then, there are only a small handful.

And then I've had to watch some of Orange is the New Black. It is alright. Not bad, not something I would go out of my way to watch.
About to start season seven of Big Bang Theory, then I'll probably tackle It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

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