What Television Shows Are You Watching?

Just started to watch Hannibal. Saw the pilot last year and it didn't wow me but it was good enough. Never got around to watching another episode. Decided to watch episode 2 a few days ago and have since binge watched from there up until the current episode of season 2, episode 5. Brilliant show and each episode leaves me wanting to get a little bit more adventurous in the kitchen.

I should also note I have never gotten chills from a movie or show before but the scene in an episode where a killer plays a cello protruding from someone's neck using the vocal chords as strings sent chills down my spine. That scene was not nearly as comical and over the top as it sounds.
I'm liking Doctor Who. The only thing I dislike about is how they organized their episodes in the season.
Dr. Who fans have ruined any sort of enjoyment I could get out of that show...They're pretty much on par with Bronies.
Green_Lantern said:
Dr. Who fans have ruined any sort of enjoyment I could get out of that show...They're pretty much on par with Bronies.

In more ways then one.
Apparently it was supposed to be. The show has had quite a few unbelievable twists and turns at this point, but I kind of like that it's stayed unpredictable instead of languishing in mediocrity like The Office.
Crazy. This is some Lost/Mad Men/Battlestar Gallactica shit. Surprising for a comedy, but like you said, though they've had their stagnant arcs, they keep things more fresh than most other sitcoms.
I forgot about this thread and created a new thread, which I requested that thread to be locked, because GL reminded me of this. Got that? Good!
UghRochester said:
Since I have Netflix for the last few months, I binged through Doctor Who 2005-present and Wilfred. I also started to watch Torchwood (spin-off of Doctor Who), but pausing on that, because I'm binge watching The Office. Currently I'm in the middle of S3.
MattAY said:
Did you just discover the word binge?

And are you in love with Pam yet, Howie? GOD I love Pam.
No, I forgot how to use that word? Anyways, not in love with Pam. From what I've seen, so far, the actress portrays a girl too nervous and/or afraid about her true feelings. What's really making the show are the pranks Jim pulls out on Dwight. Specially when Pam would get involved and help Jim. The actor that plays Todd Packer makes me not want to watch the show. Just something about David Koechner makes me want to punch him.

My only question is whether producer Ben Silverman is the same Ben Silverman that worked at GR before as seen as a past contributor http://www.gamerevolution.com/staff I know GR's Ben Silverman is the same that work(ed) over at Yahoo. I wouldn't be surprised if it was. I mean, Duke mentioned in the podcast Tom Anderson (co-founder of Myspace) used to work for GR. I understand they couldn't spell his name correctly.
on season 4 of the wire right now.

i've never really felt "this show is amazing", like everyone says. but on the other hand I can't stop watching and feel very connected with the characters, both good and bad.

marlo and his crew are just cold though, i can't get behind that. at least barksdale/omar/stringer/proposition have/had some morals.
I really don't watch much TV. I used to watch a crap load of things like the Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, King of the Hill and South Park. I was really into animated comedies. I kinda stopped watching TV ever since we got rid of cable television.

I used to watch a lot of Dexter (stopped at the end of season four) and I used to watch a lot of Burn Notice too. I heard Dexter got really bad.

I tend to play video games instead of watching TV. Nowadays when I watch TV, it's usually just whatever is on TV while I'm having dinner... which could be Senfield, the Big Bang Theory, the Simpsons or the News.

I love Firefly and I have that on DVD and Blu-Ray. :P
Master_Craig said:
I really don't watch much TV. I used to watch a crap load of things like the Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, King of the Hill and South Park. I was really into animated comedies. I kinda stopped watching TV ever since we got rid of cable television.

I used to watch a lot of Dexter (stopped at the end of season four) and I used to watch a lot of Burn Notice too. I heard Dexter got really bad.

I tend to play video games instead of watching TV. Nowadays when I watch TV, it's usually just whatever is on TV while I'm having dinner... which could be Senfield, the Big Bang Theory, the Simpsons or the News.

I love Firefly and I have that on DVD and Blu-Ray. :P

you stopped dexter at the right time. if you ever watch it again just watch season 7 then make up your own ending.

its a damn shame they ruined the show and its rep with seasons 5, 6 and 8, just due to greed.

everyone hates on it now, despite seasons 1-4 being some of the best TV ever
Master_Craig said:
I've heard terrible things about the other seasons, especially the ending! >.<

season 7 was excellent, one of the best.

awesome villains, incredible acting by deb and dexter, etc. and the ending was extremely intense and well done. just watch it and create your own ending :D
intoTheRain, yeah, that's the point of the new guys. Also, Kapow is watching The Wire. I'm not sure how far in he is. I thought it was pretty awesome, although I stopped watching partway through the last season. I always intended to finish it, but I haven't quite done it yet. Give me time.
Sightless said:
intoTheRain, yeah, that's the point of the new guys. Also, Kapow is watching The Wire. I'm not sure how far in he is. I thought it was pretty awesome, although I stopped watching partway through the last season. I always intended to finish it, but I haven't quite done it yet. Give me time.

i do not follow the bold, but am curious what you mean

edit: nevermind, you're talking about marlo and his crew. forgot about that comment was just thinking dexter

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