What languages do you speak?


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Lately I've found out more about a lot of people here in a few days than I have years. At least where they lean concerning certain issues. I kind of want to keep that trend going. I'm curious as to what languages you speak and the degree in which you can speak them. Personally I only know English and a bit of Spanish. I'd love to learn another language fluently but I'm not sure how easy it would be at my age. Plus I never had a knack for languages. I'd love to learn Italian purely based on it's beauty as a language but C++ would probably he more beneficial.
I speak fluent Tingalingadingdong.

I know a lot of basic American Sign Language. I also took two years of Spanish, but haven't studied it since.
I know english and a bit of French.

My gf is Chinese and I'm slowly learning Chinese. It's hard as nobs.
Spanish - basic but conversational (I could survive in a spanish speaking country and at the end of the month be pretty confident in my ability to be fluent.) I used to be really good at it during high school and college. I remember having dreams in Spanish too, shit was cray.
[used to date a girl who was fluent in french because she spent her high school years there. as we got more serious I was getting upset because I figured I would have to dump my spanish that I spent all that time learning and pick up french if we had kids or something. xD]
Learning Python but again I don't really use it, but its easy to follow so I need to get side projects that use it so that I incorporate it into my daily routine.
in the famous words of Sarah Palin, I speak American. I can also read music, which could count as a language I would think.

I also took 3 years of Spanish in high school and 4 semesters in college but I still only have a basic basic reading comprehension. I was never able to converse in Spanish.
I speak English and Spanish. Started español in my twenties due to the Mormon mission, went on to use it in running a small business and still use it to help people out. Met a poor elderly lady traveling and she was all turned around in the airport and couldn't get to the right gate and when she did she couldn't get the necessary help from the agent. It felt awesome to make her day and refuse the twenty she offered me. Even got to talk down to a 'Merican jerk when he made a snide comment about how i had to travel with my "mom" to translate. Sorry, I'm not her kid, I'm actually a different nationality, I was raised by white people and learned in my twenties.

I can get by with my Portugese but I am super rusty.

It's a shame that we are so language isolated as Americans.
Can only speak English.

I know words and phrases in French and Japanese, but not enough to survive in the country.
I speak English and French, and am trying to pick up on Spanish a bit. Arabic is a goal of mine as well, but I probably won't have time to study it till after my Master's.

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