What is the greatest horror game of all time?

I agree with Silent Hill 2, great game. I never played the first, it's like totally impossible to find and eBay's prices are retarded. I guess once the movie came out it became expensive or something.

I haven't played any of the Fatal Frame games, but I was watching my friend play part 2 one night and it's pretty creepy.
Best action horror: Left 4 Dead. It may not be scary, but when thing get tense, they get TENSE !!!

Best scare you pantless horror: Fatal Frame 2: It's creepy, it's tense, it makes you jump, and i dare you to have a good night of sleep after playing it in the dark with your headset on for a couple of hours... Your a little jap girl with a camera on a murdering ghost infested village ffs, you can't top that :twisted:
Fucking Dino Crisis haha! - what a joke of a game that was.

Seriously though, I reckon Silent Hill 2 was my scariest. From the moment you heard a guy screaming in the blue creek apartments, saw pyrammid head and then found a guy massacred next to the TV with that throbbing Bass music - yeah, after that I was scared shitless!

Yeah Ghost, that's what it means!

MattAY said:
Seriously though, I reckon Silent Hill 2 was my scariest. From the moment you heard a guy screaming in the blue creek apartments, saw pyrammid head and then found a guy massacred next to the TV with that throbbing Bass music - yeah, after that I was scared shitless!


That scene was very creepy. Pyramid Head was there before James discovers the body, so we know that scene wasn't real and only in his head. But it's been debated that the dead body is actually James himself. We never see his face but his hair and clothes match. It's said the scene symbolizes the dark side of James (Pyramid Head) Killing off whatever good is left in him (his conscience). Which in a way makes a lot of sense because he's been called to Silent Hill to face the truth he's denied since Mary died. Craaaaazy eh? Meh, I just love discussing SH, lol.
Silent Hill 2
Resident Evil 1 through 4 including the remake and CV
Fatal Frame

Is Homecoming more reminiscent of 2 or 3 and 4? (I know it has some noticeable changes but if you were to compare it to a previous entry what would you compare it to?)
Diabolus said:
Silent Hill 2 is magificent, but I feel that it's hurt by it's 'fill in the blanks' storytelling. The game makes absolutely no ****ing sense whatsoever.
I don't quite understand how that's a bad thing...

Hexagram said:
...is actually James himself...
Spoiler: It's also been said the developers were just being lazy, and reused his textures.
So, who knows :)

Best horror game? Silent Hill. My top three favourite horror games of all time are, in order, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Fatal Frame.
I found Fatal Frame scared me more than either Silent Hill games, and by scare I don't mean jumping off my seat, I mean making me too afraid to continue playing. However, the stories behind Silent Hill and SH2 push them to the top for me. Fatal Frame has a good storyline, but is still no match for SH and SH2.

Anyone here play Kuon? I've mentioned it here a few times, but nobody ever really mentioned anything else about it. I've replayed it a few times now, and it's quite good. Not terribly frightening, but tense. The story is decent. I've got Red Rose to play next, so we'll see how that goes...
Lethean said:
Is Homecoming more reminiscent of 2 or 3 and 4? (I know it has some noticeable changes but if you were to compare it to a previous entry what would you compare it to?)

An IGN poster named RoadToSilentHill said that it's better than 4, not as good as 2. So it lies somewhere in between.
zombiefulci said:
resident evil 2 and resident evil code veronica X, dead space scared the s*** out of me the first 6 chapters.
Dead Space isn't as scary as Bioshock, personally.. Just because of the crazy-ass Spider Spllicers, the graphics, the sound, the weird moaning, and the fact you can hear the splicer or whatever rambling on about nothing, until his voice fills all around you and you don't know where he is until he's right behind you with a wrench raised, screaming.
Out of the horror games I've played, (Resident Evil 4, Eternal Darkness, Doom 3, F.E.A.R., Condemned, Bioshock, Devil May Cry, Killer7) I would probably have to go with Resident Evil 4 (with the runner-ups being Eternal Darkness and Killer7).

I have Sillent Hill 2, but I havn't got past the first 30 minutes yet (damn, that begining's slow).

As for Dead Space. I just bought it yesterday, but I haven't played it yet.
Silent Hill really scared me. When you are in the hospital and you hear babies crying, that was mindfucking.
In a few weeks i'll be playing Dead Space, hope it's good (and frightening)
Diabolus said:
An IGN poster named RoadToSilentHill said that it's better than 4, not as good as 2. So it lies somewhere in between.
I would agree with that completely. Great game, not as good as SH2, but better than SH3 and miles better than SH4.
LinksOcarina said:
Anyone ever play Alone in the Dark, the original game?

I did, it was pretty tense, but when it comes to old horror games, you can't beat phantasmagoria... That was one psycologically disturbing game, way more than alone in the dark.
This doesn't really have anything to do with the topic...but I'll tell you something that pisses me off SO fucking bad. Psi-Ops and Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams are STILL not playable on the 360. What the hell is up with that? After finishing Homecoming(on PS3), the first thing I wanted to do was throw in SH2 and experience it in new and improved 1080p. But noooooooooooo...

Sons of bitches. :x

I used to have the PS2 SH2, but I gave it to my cousin a couple years ago. Just because I'm cool like that. :P

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