So I was watching the G4 coverage earlier today and after the first hour and a half, the cynical side of me started to emerge. It seemed like 75% of the games were either some 1st or 3rd person shooter with cover mechanics.
Farcry 2, Crysis 3, Deadspace 3, Gears of War, Modern Warfare, Medal of Honor, Boderlands, Halo 4, RE 6, Tomb Raider, the Alien Space Marine game
Watching the coverage of these games back to back to back to back started to actually piss me off. I was getting shooter fatigue just watching the demos. Even the one that seemed the most interesting to me, which was The Last of Us had me saying "It's just Uncharted with Zombies." but still looked intriguing enough to want to know more about it.
It has me less than enthusiastic about the future of games to say the least.