What are ya playing?

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Playing through games you don't like anymore for achievements...I've been there! Playing through Assassin's Creed again because I missed the Lucy talking achievement was an anus. Especially since I seemed to just get worse at the game!
My brother bought Minecraft PS3 Edition, so we've been playing that. Built some pretty cool things like a lava lighthouse, waterslide house, and underwater rooms.
Despite having Minecraft on PC, I wouldn't mind getting the PS3 version simply because I have a strange addiction to that game.
The last game I beat was Far cry 3 at the end of last year. Finally got to play some GTA online but after about 7-8 levels got kind of bored after all the headaches and just relegated that to the too little too late pile. Got back into some Mass Effect 3 put in about 30 hours or so more and got a few more classes in the interim but now figuring out what I want to revisit...Dishonored, Bioshock Inifinite, or Castlevania Lord of Shadow only played through each once and think it may be time to revisit just not sure which one any recommendation welcome.

Dishonored would be a stealth playthrough + DLCs
Bioshock I would choose the cage this time if that matters
Castlevania I just haven't played in a little while
HunterFire11 said:
Isnt everyone addicted to Minecraft nowadays.
I played it when it came out 4 years ago. It hasn't really changed since then, so I stopped playing.

And I finished Dragon's Dogma, so now I don't know what to do with my life.
Longo_2_guns said:
HunterFire11 said:
Isnt everyone addicted to Minecraft nowadays.
I played it when it came out 4 years ago. It hasn't really changed since then, so I stopped playing.

And I finished Dragon's Dogma, so now I don't know what to do with my life.

What is Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (other than just a flat-out awful title)? Is it a sequel or expansion or what? If I were to get Dragon's Dogma for consoles which one do I get?
Ah thank you thank you. The "Games on Demand" (digital download) is on sale on the Live Marketplace really often.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons may have simple puzzles, but it's very unique. I'm pausing it for right now, but I'm loving the game. It's also beautiful looking as well.
used44 said:
Ah thank you thank you. The "Games on Demand" (digital download) is on sale on the Live Marketplace really often.
It's a pretty fun game, but it starts out slow and is quite a bit of a time sink once it gets going. So keep that in mind if you do end up getting it.
It is good, the only bad thing is that you go to the same places repeatedly and it can get a little boring in regard to the environment.
Fun game apart from that though.
Yeah, the best thing Dark Arisen does is it gives you an item that makes fast travel much, much more common. So that is good.
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