What are ya playing?

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I think I'm getting better at FTL! Still terrible, but I finally got a Normal-difficulty score into my top 5 that's filled with Easy scores. I also had some huge luck by finding a hull drone in one of my first jumps that I could immediately sell for 50 parts. That gave me a big jump start on the mission.

Playing more conservatively is working out, who would have thought it.
I don't think so, but it's like always installed on my computer because the file is so small and it can take as little as 5 minutes to play on Hard.
Tales of Maj'Eyal, picked it up last week and already logged in 24 hours while only unlocking three classes and no other species. But the versatility of the Archmage combined with his god-tier Aegis skill tree and a few straight-healing inscriptions means I can wade in and out of battle with naught a care. And a hat that grants me magical entombing powers in case the shit hits the jet engine and I need a few turns for the cooldown of a heal/shielding skill. Finally a sweet, sweet cloak of +32 Life and makes me dead only when I reach -50 Life, when otherwise I'd have barely over 300.

If it came out this year, it's my GOTY and the most recent thing I'm playing, and it's basically an old roguelike brought to modern times.
Master_Craig said:
MattAY said:
I downloaded the FF13-3 demo, and it's crap just as expected.

Demo review by MattAY.

In all seriousness, that saved me time so I don't have to download it. :P

Hahaha, I'm still waiting for Dan to accept my GR review writing request. ;)

Well it's more of the same really. But I dont like the solo FF-style fighting, it's weird solo. Lightning has got three paradigms (they called them something else but I forgot), which is basically Lightning dressing up as different classes. It's the classic style FF game in the 13 series where you choose the Red Mage, White Mage, Thief etc...but they have different names! You might like it, but it just felt like more of the same to me....with solo fighting >shudder< weird.
I'm playing that wonderful game called "OH GOD I'M 30 YEARS OLD NOW OH GOD OH GOD".

It's a great game, it's sequel is called "FUCK I'M 31", it's an annual series. It was really good for the first few titles, especially "WOOHOO I'M 21!". That was the best one.
.....The Sims huh? Great game.

I'm playing through Tomb Raider. It started off really well, with the premise of lots of tomby puzzles. Now it's an action shooter with a bit of climbing. A bit of a let down, but still fun.
Warframe which is a third person ninja/parkour shooter MMO on the PS4 and PC. I haven't gotten the mechanics yet but it looks pretty fun. I want to try Titanfall which is a parkour fps with mech combat.
cyberjim2000 said:
Warframe which is a third person ninja/parkour shooter MMO on the PS4 and PC. I haven't gotten the mechanics yet but it looks pretty fun. I want to try Titanfall which is a parkour fps with mech combat.

I've played some of the titanfall beta. It's a lot of fun, but I'm pretty terrible at it. Very fast paced out of the mechs.
All I've been playing lately is Battlefield 4. I don't play competitive shooters too often but this one has me addicted. I haven't been this obsessed since Bad Company 2, probably.

A lot of Threes on my iphone too.
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