What are ya playing?

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used44 said:
I started To the Moon expecting to like it but so far I hate it.
It's pretty easy to hate. The first impressions of that game are pretty horrible, since it's a game made in RPG maker with little control and no idea what you're supposed to do.

It gets better, but it's still an RPG maker game that isn't nearly worth its pricetag.
You could talk me into giving it a break for its art and its terrible controls, as much as they greatly impact the game. The writing, however, I can't get over. It's atrociously corny and small, beautiful moments will be ruined by just the most braindead stuff.

Anyway, I'm about 2hrs in and I guess I'll finish it.
I bought State of Decay off Steam for $19.95 AUD. Haven't played it yet but I've watched my brother play. Looks kinda fun!
Downloading the new Devil May Cry. I don't know much about it but I loved the first game, hated the second, and said "fuck this" 30 minutes into the third.
used44 said:
Anyway, I'm about 2hrs in and I guess I'll finish it.

I got about that far but couldn't finish it.

Bretimus_v2 said:
I bought a board game, Legendary. It is a Marvel-based deck building game similar to Dominion. Tons of fun.

I've been thinking about picking up a new board game, but can't ever decide on which one.
I literally have an amazon cart full of them but I never pull the trigger because I don't have that many dependable local friends to play with. It's pretty depressing.
GR should pick a city, and have everybody move there. Then, when we become rich and famous, we build a gigantic manor complex of awesomeness.
My sons are my board game friends. I was surprised with how quickly they picked it up. I know how you feel. I hate spending the money for an expensive game only to never play it.
A great game that I just got for $3 was 007 Quantum of Solace. I beat the campaign and now online at least once a day. Great Game. oh and some 2K14
Metal Gear Rising

I am laughing my ass off while I play, because it's both ridiculously fun and ten times more over the top than it needs to be. What else would you expect from Platinum?
Finished up Metal Gear Rising.
Holy shit that game was awesome. I'm probably gonna play through on Hard again in a couple weeks or so. Because I swear, it gave me some war boners that I couldn't match even if Natalie Portman gave me a backrub. The final boss in particular was an absolute beast, but I managed to beat it without even getting hit. Daniel sucks at video games and Anthony does too. Also, the Sam fight was awesome, and I absolutely love it when you fight someone with a fighting style similar to yours.

And now I'm back to Dragon's Dogma. I can't decide whether to do Bitterblack Isle or not. I think I'll hold off with it until later.
I'm surprised you enjoyed Metal Gear Rising so much. It does make me tempted to play it.

I have two games on my list to play...

Recently got State of Decay off from Steam for $19.95 AUD... and Bravely Default for the 3Ds (we got that here in Australia in December 2013). I originally bought Bravely Default for a friend of mine for his birthday, however he actually already has the game and suggested I should play it instead... well, if I have to. :P
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