What are ya playing?

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Animal Crossing: New Leaf (so much)
Resident Evil: Revelations Wii U
a ton of pre-E3 stuff from PlayStation last week

But so much AC. Probably the best in the series.
I tried Sid Meier's Ace Patrol because I had some downtime at work. I had heard there was a generous amount of content in the free version, but I found that to not be the case. I pretty quickly hit a paywall and was faced with ponying up or replaying stuff I had done. So I deleted it.

I wouldn't have minded paying if I had liked the game more, but nah. It wasn't terrible, but Firaxis can do better. Hopefully that full-featured version of XCom becomes a real thing soon.
Recently, I got myself Brutal Doom, and have been using the mod to play Doom II on Man And A Half difficulty.

Boy, is it a challenge.
Lethean said:
Playing the Firefall beta right now. Not bad. Disorganized and incomplete but it's a beta. Having fun so far.
I've tried launching this beta client like... four or five times and not once has it even run for me. Yes I'm on dual-booting Mac hardware, but c'mon. Everything else works fine on my windows side.
Tyrranis said:
Recently, I got myself Brutal Doom, and have been using the mod to play Doom II on Man And A Half difficulty.

Boy, is it a challenge.

Blowing the head off of an suffering imp holding his guts and yelling "fuck you!" after never gets old. It's funny how the free aim and jumping makes it seem just like a modern game with a unique visual style. Great mod.

I left LBP2 hanging on to wait someone to play it with and started Bioshock 1. Bioshock 2 is waiting in the line already.

and damn Daniel, you got your hands on AC New Leaf already? Lucky man.
Ashalar said:
I'm currently playing a mod for Starcraft II, which is non other than the original Starcraft and the Brood War campaigns on the new engine. The creators did a damn fine job converting units, buildings, sounds etc to the new format.

And the third person shooter take on certain missions is fun to play, if not a bit short.

Is that mod available through the game (like through Arcade) or do I have to look on the interwebs for it?
Just finished Call Of Jaurez Gunslinger.

Its actually a lot of simple fun, with a simple story that is sufficient. I really enjoyed it.

Now I guess im going to go back and play RE6 and revelations -_-
Affen said:
Tyrranis said:
Recently, I got myself Brutal Doom, and have been using the mod to play Doom II on Man And A Half difficulty.

Boy, is it a challenge.

Blowing the head off of an suffering imp holding his guts and yelling "fuck you!" after never gets old. It's funny how the free aim and jumping makes it seem just like a modern game with a unique visual style. Great mod.

Forgive the pun, but hell yeah!

It's particularly gratifying after one of the rooms near the end of Doom II. In MAAH difficulty, there's a room with 2 Spider Masterminds in it, and (fortunately) a couple of invulnerability powerups too.

Flipping off the exploded corpses of two giant death machines that gave me untold amounts of grief to kill is immensely satisfying.

I will say, though, that Brutal DOOM II is better than Brutal DOOM. It seems a little silly to say this about two games wherein the only mechanics are pick up item, use item and shoot badguys, but DOOM II is more combat orientated than the original.

Plus, double barrel shotgun. That thing is even more beastly in Brutal DOOM II than it was in the standard game.

Anyway, small update: Beat DOOM II in Brutal, going through the original in Brutal, same difficulty. On the second chapter right now.
I'm at that point in Bioshock 1 where you start wondering when the game is going to end. That being said, the game is solid. I mean, the plasmid to gun game mechanics and the researching of the baddies and the whole ambiance and theme of it. Great game, even greater twist, but let's wrap it up already.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I'm at that point in Bioshock 1 where you start wondering when the game is going to end. That being said, the game is solid. I mean, the plasmid to gun game mechanics and the researching of the baddies and the whole ambiance and theme of it. Great game, even greater twist, but let's wrap it up already.

If you're moving on to the next ones afterwards, Infinite is actually Bioshock 2. There was no such thing as "Bioshock 2".
Green_Lantern said:
If you're moving on to the next ones afterwards, Infinite is actually Bioshock 2. There was no such thing as "Bioshock 2".
I don't get this. Bioshock 2 gave you an interesting second look at the environment from B1 and it had better gameplay imo.
But... I'm starting to think the whole damn series is a little overrated though. The stories are awesome but as games I think it's totally possible to skip.
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