What are ya playing?

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Yeah, this is actually my second attempt at the series. If memory serves me correctly, Assassin's Creed and Demon Souls won my attention last time.
Oh hey, Dan hit the nail on the head.

The first game was really great due to story, atmosphere, and it had a good version of the System Shock gameplay that was very simplified. The second game was, well, just Bioshock Again. If you loved the first game and wanted more Bioshock, there you go.

Infinite... honestly was on the same level of Bioshock 2. Mediocre gameplay, and the story did a lot of great stuff and a lot of attempts to do great stuff that just fell flat.

Regardless, still in Dragon's Dogma. It's good fun, but also kinda dragging on. I've got 50 clocked hours (which is more like 40 due to me leaving it paused plenty) and I'm taking it pretty slow.
Goodness though. That ending is soooooo fetchin' heavy handed. I mean, the twist is great (like really great), the lead up was great, but...the last 3 hours was just a bit much...especially the last little bit. Awesome game though. Don't think I'll ever play through 1 again and I'll probably take some palette cleanse time between it and 2 or Infinite.

Also. Elite Rosie. I hate you.

And as a side note, I saved my game before the Kill/Rescue of my first Little Sister. Yeah, after seeing the first cutscene...I had to reboot and Rescue the rest of those creepy girls.
I'm currently playing through Metro: Last Light, and enjoying the hell out of it.

Other than that, I've been going through Wizardry 8 again, easily the best party-based turn-based RPG out there, in my opinion.

I've also been playing a board game called Descent: Journey's into Dark... it's sort of a combination RPG, card game, and the GM has has an active role in it. It's really fun.
believe it or not I am currently playing Diablo 3. The recent patches made the game a lot more fun, although the Auction House is still a real drag. If the AH didn't exist and the drop rates were increased a bit, the game would be more fun than Diablo 2.

The gameplay and graphics of the game are unmatched by any Action RPG out there, the problem is the other parts of the game are lacking, mostly the fact that you have to use the AH to upgrade items...I would much rather find things than buy them...

Also playing Skyrim, Kerbal Space Program and Dirt 2.
Since Brutal DOOM I has been a bit... underwhelming for me, I've been trying Brutal DOOM: TNT - Evilution.

Since the first level had a berserk pack in the first room, I get the feeling that it's more suitable for the mod.

Also, went back to Skyrim and went through the Thieves' Guild questline.
Swinging and rolling trough Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. This game can be really frustrating at times. Whole world dedicated to cart type levels. Sadistic.
Splitting my time between Defiance and Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce. I'll probably get back to ME3's story over the summer.

Defiance's PvP is pretty great, especially when everyone isn't using the cheapest/OP weapon in the game that I'm guessing the devs refuse to nerf. They finally brought Freight Yard back, which is thankfully not TDM and doesn't feel like you're fighting in a small toybox. Also doing a second playthrough of the main quest line and finishing up the side missions I ignored the first time through.

As for Strikeforce...the combat is stiff. But that's because I played DW7 & Empires first, so it may not be a fair comparison. The 4 player co-op makes up for it though, but my biggest gripe is how they handled areas/maps. They're split into small sections, and you go through a "portal" to enter the next one, accompanied by a loading screen of course. The one thing I've enjoyed the most? Actually having fun while playing through the Yellow Turban missions for the first time since DW5. Utter chaos during the tri-boss fight.
I don't think it's something that can be easily explained. Just based on the concept of the mechanics, it sounds pretty boring, but it's quite entertaining. I've personally never been one to use *every* character in the game, but finding one you really like is part of the fun. The combat and the sometimes over the top animations help make things less monotonous and take attention away from the repetition. Riding on a horse with an army behind you, heading towards an army while hunting down their leaders and capturing their bases as they go, all leading up to one final fight, is a lot of fun. Definitely not something I'd play for hours on end, nor have I purchased every game (Strikeforce is the second one I've played this gen), but it has its pros and cons.

Probably gonna pick up DW8. They still haven't topped DW5 though.
I like Dynasty Warriors, because they douche up the characters I hate, while BAMFing the characters I like, with every new installment, so it's fun to get to kill them in fantastic ancient Chinese combat with a fresh experience each time.

I want to get 8, but I couldn't bring myself to get 7 Xtreme Legends or 7 Empires. I'll just wait to get them when they're cheap. 5XL was probably the best, but 6 Empires is still my favorite, although they all have their own charm, and I've enjoyed each Dynasty Warriors game since 3.
danielrbischoff said:
I love the minecart levels though. The rocket barrel levels were sadistic imo.

I kinda counted them in to the cart type levels due to the constant movement, one mistake and you're dead nature. It's great they added the new mode with the hearts. I'd be still struggling in the first worlds without it.
De-Ting said:
I like Dynasty Warriors, because they douche up the characters I hate, while BAMFing the characters I like, with every new installment, so it's fun to get to kill them in fantastic ancient Chinese combat with a fresh experience each time.

I want to get 8, but I couldn't bring myself to get 7 Xtreme Legends or 7 Empires. I'll just wait to get them when they're cheap. 5XL was probably the best, but 6 Empires is still my favorite, although they all have their own charm, and I've enjoyed each Dynasty Warriors game since 3.

Never could justify dropping money on any of the XL games, but 7 Empires was the first Empires game I played, and I love it. Is Ken's Rage any good?
Eh. I've got 6 Empires, and to be honest it's not that good. Too much faf, not enough slash.

Plus, the splitscreen co-op is annoying as hell.

Might get 7 XL, though.
Tyrranis said:
Eh. I've got 6 Empires, and to be honest it's not that good. Too much faf, not enough slash.
Considering that the number of soldiers on the battlefield was increased tremendously for this game, making it possible to get xtreme KO counts compared to previous games, I have to ask...what?

I also like the ability to form relationships between your created warriors.
De-Ting said:
Tyrranis said:
Eh. I've got 6 Empires, and to be honest it's not that good. Too much faf, not enough slash.
Considering that the number of soldiers on the battlefield was increased tremendously for this game, making it possible to get xtreme KO counts compared to previous games, I have to ask...what?

I also like the ability to form relationships between your created warriors.

The time taken from putting the disc into the console, to getting into an actual game is significantly longer than I would like. You have quite a lot of menu navigation and other stuff to get through, and to get co-op working you need to have a second officer recruited in order for them to play, and if you've been focusing entirely on your character in terms of weapons and such, the second player is at a significant disadvantage.
Well the Empires series is strategy and tactics, not just beat-'em-up. And my brothers and I never bothered with co-op on Empires, so I wouldn't know about that.
Fair enough. Since 6 Empires is the only DW game I own, it's the only one I can play at the moment. When I want to be strategic, the Empires features are a welcome addition. When I just want to beat down hordes of people, they just get in the way.
Tyrranis said:
Fair enough. Since 6 Empires is the only DW game I own, it's the only one I can play at the moment. When I want to be strategic, the Empires features are a welcome addition. When I just want to beat down hordes of people, they just get in the way.

The second player can't use their own officer? and can't you just create 2 officers anyways? Haven't tried local yet, but I'll get around to it. Maybe it's different in 7.

I'd skip out on 7 XL and wait for DW8. I've also been considering Warriors Orochi 3.

EDIT: In Hindsight...I probably should have bought WO3 and the Strikeforce DLC instead of buying Strikeforce, lol.
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