What are ya playing?

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Finished Far Cry 3's single player. Recently discovered that it does, indeed, have a 2 player co-op splitscreen function.

Boy, that game is fun.
Finished up the AC3 Evil Washington DLC, uninstalled that shit, finishing up the new Hitman, which has been challenging and fun.
Finished with Arkham Asylum awhile ago. I like the stealth sections. Felt like I'm Predator taking people out one by one. Started Arkham City a day ago. It's pretty funny just to goomba a baddy from a high place then go back up only to do it again. Anyone else thought that Bruce Wayne kinda looked like Archer?
Tried Deus Ex. Hated it. Vanquish is waaaaay too frustrating for me to spend time on, due to gameplay and other mechanic issues. And...none of my friends have downloaded XCOM yet, so it's mostly Tekken Revolution time.
MattAY said:
Money well spent?
All free, a la PS+.

TheJx4 said:
Tried Deus Ex. Hated it. Vanquish is waaaaay too frustrating for me to spend time on, due to gameplay and other mechanic issues. And...none of my friends have downloaded XCOM yet, so it's mostly Tekken Revolution time.
Same. Same. Downloading. I do the Tekken like a sissy girl.

I've been trying to platinum Sly 3 before I finally play Thieves in Time, but some of the challenges are so sadistically hard, I don't know if I can. Fighting General Tsao on top of the bamboo trees with half health to start.....I guess the normal version of the fight wasn't too difficult enough for someone. Some...masochist douche that just wants to watch the world burn.
Finished up Far Cry 3 finally. Good game, but it was seriously full of anticlimax as far as the narrative went. Like the poker match that turned into a boring QTE sequence.
Still, a fun as fuck game. I wish it was more challenging, but ah well, still good.

I'm currently playing New Vegas again, since I once again donned my NCR trooper costume and got an urge to play again.

I'm thinking of doing a playthrough of Lollipop Chainsaw next, since I have yet to play it despite my Suda 51 love. And I hear it's pretty short, which is perfect.
Playing a Vs. campaign with Nickkmet in Shogun 2 total war. His ass is getting beat by the computer players around him on easy mode. Sucka.

I would play against longo, but he decided that 7.50$ is too much for such a good game.

That coupon expired bro.
De-Ting said:
MattAY said:
Money well spent?
All free, a la PS+.

TheJx4 said:
Tried Deus Ex. Hated it. Vanquish is waaaaay too frustrating for me to spend time on, due to gameplay and other mechanic issues. And...none of my friends have downloaded XCOM yet, so it's mostly Tekken Revolution time.
Same. Same. Downloading. I do the Tekken like a sissy girl.

I've been trying to platinum Sly 3 before I finally play Thieves in Time, but some of the challenges are so sadistically hard, I don't know if I can. Fighting General Tsao on top of the bamboo trees with half health to start.....I guess the normal version of the fight wasn't too difficult enough for someone. Some...masochist douche that just wants to watch the world burn.

Thank god they were free. Skipped out on downloading the 40 gb snooze fest that is Uncharted 3. Tekken Revolution has a bit of SF in it's DNA :)
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
I would play against longo, but he decided that 7.50$ is too much for such a good game.

That coupon expired bro.
I was either already in Fresno or in the middle of finals when you gave me the coupon, so I wouldn't have been able to download the game until next month anyway. So I'll probably just pick it up when it comes up in the summer sale, since then I'll actually be able to download it and play it online.
But when I do get it, you'll be the first one to know.

And in unrelated news, it's good to know that taste in video games is still the best way to judge people.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Playing a Vs. campaign with Nickkmet in Shogun 2 total war. His ass is getting beat by the computer players around him on easy mode. Sucka.

I would play against longo, but he decided that 7.50$ is too much for such a good game.

That coupon expired bro.

I should get up in that though I don't have it installed atm. Speaking of which, I'm playing through Empire: Total War but using the Darth Mod for it. Whatever problem Empire had was improved on by the mod. Plus, I gained a bit of appreciation for gun powdered, line-infantry warfare after playing Napoleonic Wars.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Playing a Vs. campaign with Nickkmet in Shogun 2 total war. His ass is getting beat by the computer players around him on easy mode. Sucka.

I would play against longo, but he decided that 7.50$ is too much for such a good game.

That coupon expired bro.


You just have better alliances than me. :(
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