What are ya playing?

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NickKmet said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Playing a Vs. campaign with Nickkmet in Shogun 2 total war. His ass is getting beat by the computer players around him on easy mode. Sucka.

I would play against longo, but he decided that 7.50$ is too much for such a good game.

That coupon expired bro.


You just have better alliances than me. :(

Ive gone for jesus and everyone hates me. The map is a sea of red excluding shizamu and shino.

And i've given you 20000 cash. Sucka. Next time I'll play on hard whilst you languish in easy mode. :o
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
NickKmet said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Playing a Vs. campaign with Nickkmet in Shogun 2 total war. His ass is getting beat by the computer players around him on easy mode. Sucka.

I would play against longo, but he decided that 7.50$ is too much for such a good game.

That coupon expired bro.


You just have better alliances than me. :(

Ive gone for jesus and everyone hates me. The map is a sea of red excluding shizamu and shino.

And i've given you 20000 cash. Sucka. Next time I'll play on hard whilst you languish in easy mode. :o

:( Ouch.
Just finished Arkham City. Doing sidemissions now aand may start a new game+. Is it a lot harder in NG+?

Also started playing Star Wars Galaxies again.
Just finished The Last of Us last night.

I think I'll have to play the 2013 Tomb Raider on my PC soon. Thanks intoTheRain!
Master_Craig said:
I think I'll have to play the 2013 Tomb Raider on my PC soon. Thanks intoTheRain!

Such an awesome game. Unfortunately I have video game ADD so I moved on but I will finish it. One of the best games I ever played.
UghRochester said:
Noritama said:
Still playing last of us started on hard. It's not that hard :( wish It would punish me more :(
Right, but being all stealthy is a b*tch.
Actually once I got passed the train station I just said fuck it on being stealthy. You get the ol' Brick & Shotgun and you can pretty much dominate the whole game.
Currently working on a slightly modified version of the Feed The Beast Direwolf20 Minecraft mod pack.

I want to make myself a Portal gun, but sadly one of the components of it is a Nether Star, and I just can't seem to collect any Wither Skeleton Heads to make a Wither to kill for one.
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