What are ya playing?

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I realised I've never completed Dragon Age 1, so I'll be working on that at the weekend.
I left it when I aimed to sleep with Morrigan, then I did...then I stopped playing.

Plus a bit of Worms Armageddon & Trials Evo if anyone's up for it ;)
Totally fun game. I log on once a week to at least "purhase" any of those free games, that way it stays on my bucket list.

Going to pick up Last of Us today. Screw you, local Gamestop, for not doing a midnight launch.
danielrbischoff said:
I feel really stupid because I missed the PS+ Sleeping Dogs deal. Never downloaded it and now I'll probably never play it.
Which is a shame, because it's absolutely fantastic.
Fallout New Vegas caught my eye and now I'm as excited as a dog with 2 dicks as I play.
I've got gun Runners DLC...any others that people will recommend? Or shall I just fork out and get all of them?!
I'm playing The Last of Us for PS3.

I experienced an absolutely fatal bug that many others online have also been experiencing. When I first played, I played for about four or five hours straight and I never once manually saved or saw an auto-save go off. So when I paused the game to save, it wouldn't let me select the save options, and it kept saying "Auto saving, please wait" or something along those lines.

I looked it up online and apparently, it's a bug that hasn't been fixed yet... so upon turning off my PS3, I lost all my data for that game.

Regardless I started a new game, surpassed the point where I made it up to (faster too with more supplies/items) and since starting a new game, the game is properly saving.

Other than that absolutely fatal bug... The Last of Us is the best game I've played in 2013 so far. Highly recommended. :)
Any quality (see: zero) in the story is completely drowned out by the noises the characters make during combat.

If that's something you can somehow look past, all there is to see is over-the-top kiddie drama. Kingdom Hearts is the video game equivalent of Twillight.

Sorry, I know people that like the series feel strongly about it, but I'm strongly against it. It chips my beef. Grinds my gears. Ruffles my feathers. Violates me with a cactus. I just think it's awful.

Thanks for being honest De-ting and giving your own personal opinion. Even if I strongly disagree with the comparison to twilight. The story definitely has quality even if it takes multiple games to understand and the presentation is great for a ps2 game. I've heard the same kiddie comparison for final fantasy 9 which is my favorite final fantasy.
I understand. There are other games I feel are horrible, that everyone else gush over.

I really like the emulator I'm running it in. Uses a dx11 renderer and allows me to render it at 6x native resolution. Makes the game look so much better.
I own the games on my ps2 but I haven't dug that thing out of storage in a long time.
De-Ting said:
I just think it's awful.
Yeah, but you also think Deus Ex is awful. So, there's that.

And I'm back into Injustice. My friend mains Grundy in a way that just pisses me off, so I lost quite a few matches. Need to get back on the saddle.
Longo_2_guns said:
Yes, get all of them.

Have you played through it before? Either way, play on Hardcore mode.

Done. I've played it through siding with Mr. House. So I think I'll take your advice and go Hardcore mode for Caesar's Legion!
The Level cap rise is the best, 20+ levels to get now. I feel like I've got another 60 hours in me here. In all honesty, I forgot how brilliant this game is.
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