What are ya playing?

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Oh please, no one uses the Steam group.

I mean I'm not even a moderator of it, but Lethean and JCD are? What the fuck? They don't do shit!
PSN-galore. It was one of my son's bdays recently, so we bought some stuff. Plants vs Zombies, Costume Quest...and I got Retro City Rampage. All 3 are great in their own ways.
Just downloaded 'Nightmare in North Point' expansion for Sleeping Dogs. So I'll start that tonight probably in honor of Halloween.

But mostly this week I've been playing some Minecraft Xbox, a little bit of Halo Reach (got my first ever rampage!), and lots of NCAA 13. I started a new dynasty with KState. Trying to get the Heisman with Collin Klein but I throw waaaay too many interceptions to make that a possibility. Up to #4 rank though!
Waiting for Halo 4..... That's what I'm doing, the excitement for the game didn't truly kick in until a week of so ago. I tried replaying Reach in anticipation but I'm too excited to enjoy Reach. And because I've play the sh*t out of that game to the point where I don't get much enjoyment out of it. It's bad, I asked off work that night and I've even considered skipping class that day.

Until then BF3, Borderlands 2 and Medal of Honor Warfighter. Beat the DLC and finally hit lvl 50 for my siren and now I'm bored with the game. Warfighter it's a chore to finish the game, I'm so disappointing by it, It's not bad but it's not good. The game feels so generic, it feels like the most expensive $20 budget shooter quality game ever made. I really enjoyed the reboot and thought this was going to be a step up but the story is so poorly done and the missions themselves seem like the developers didn't even want to try which is sad since this is supposed to be a tribute. I played the beta but I haven't played the actual mutliplayer yet but honestly even in the beta I thought it was fun but not stand outish. Basically not good enough to make me want to stop playing BF3. I knew I should of rented AC3 but that is a game that will require all of my attention so I'll wait till winter or summer break to play it.

Once Halo 4 is in my hands I won't feel guilty about renting medal of honor. I'm going to keep it till Black Ops 2 (only playing for singleplayer and zombies) or Hitman
No, I think I'm sooooo lucky. Believe me, I know how bad many people in the community want this game. I want to give it as thorough of a review as possible, especially considering my relatively recent entry into the series and how much you guys love this stuff. I can actually write about it a lot so I'm considering a regular entry as I play through.
I've got to finish off Jake's campaign, and then do Ada's campaign in Resident Evil 6 before Tuesday evening!
danielrbischoff said:
No, I think I'm sooooo lucky. Believe me, I know how bad many people in the community want this game. I want to give it as thorough of a review as possible, especially considering my relatively recent entry into the series and how much you guys love this stuff. I can actually write about it a lot so I'm considering a regular entry as I play through.
If you need help, you know who to ask. I'm probably the only one here on a level around that of Nick Tan when it comes to SMT, with P4 being my most played one. I even made an Invincible Lucifer with Victory Cry and a beastly Metatron.

I hate that they're so long, though, because I no longer have no life and thus can't dedicate 100 hours into a game that isn't TF2, which I play with all my friends. My Fatlus status is practically revoked.
I'm running through Deus Ex: Human Revolution at the moment, in between bouts of TF2 and Minecraft.

Turns out, non-lethal runs are a lot easier when you try active evasion instead of bust-down-the-door-and-taze-everyone.
I really need to get back into that game. One of my favorites in years.

Hmmm, Chie and Yosuke's shadows are in the bag. The game finally just opened up. Wonder if now's a good time for another log.
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