What are ya playing?

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Beat Dishonored last week on my friend's 360. Short campaign, but a lot of fun, and I enjoyed the stealth action. I only ended up using about half the powers, so I can understand why doing another play through and changing up your style might be worth it. Fun game, though.

Recently I've been playing ACIII on my PC. I'm enjoying what I've played so far, especially the naval missions. They honestly could have taken the team that worked on that, and had them make a whole different game based on it. The naval combat is seriously that good and fun, which is especially incredible considering its an entirely optional part of the game.
I really liked the homestead missions. There is something about the way Conner helps people and then instead of asking for payment gives people more help. Reminds me of myself.
I've been playing Planetside 2. It's been a bit of a change for me.

After you give up on the ideas of total victory or total defeat that you build up after playing games with clear-cut victory or defeat conditions such as Unreal Tournament, Team Fortress 2 and such, it's a lot of fun. Otherwise, it's a lesson in the frustrations of being repeatedly killed over and over again trying to defend an area that is a lost cause.
So, I'm switching from Infamous to Uncharted. I keep doing this, because I get bored easily of Infamous. Infamous is cool, but it feels so much like The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and Prototype combined. Uncharted, I just started and boy do I love treasure hunting.
I picked up Hitman: Absolution last week. Ended up grabbing it for PS3 (was trying to decide, PC, or PS3?).

I like it so far. The graphics are pretty awesome and gameplay wise, it's like Hitman: Blood Money (which I really enjoyed) but with a bit more to it.

If I was to be absolutely nit picky about the game, there's only a few things I'd be nit picky about. The enemy A.I can be a bit strange at times, like slipping right past them when you're in their obvious sight, or being able to throw a knife at someone to kill them, but throwing a brick at their head will do nothing. It's funny because you can throw stuff as a distraction, but rather than investigate the source of where it came from (which they often would see), they'll instead investigate where the object landed. Also, the game's overall narrative is a bit strange for a Hitman game. The Hitman games generally tell the story throughout each mission but in this game, there are no real "missions", but a story.

Still, I really like it. I'm happy with it so far.

Far Cry 3 comes out at the end of this week for us Australians and so does the Wii-U (this Friday), so that's what I'll probably be playing this weekend.

UghRochester said:
So, I'm switching from Infamous to Uncharted. I keep doing this, because I get bored easily of Infamous. Infamous is cool, but it feels so much like The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and Prototype combined. Uncharted, I just started and boy do I love treasure hunting.

Which Uncharted game are you playing? And which InFamous game you playing?

I love the Uncharted series. It's difficult to say which is my favourite but I would have to say, probably Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.

InFamous I thought was pretty cool... but InFamous 2 is a massive improvement over the first one.
Persona 4: the Golden.

I'll say more when I'm not on my phone, but I am super surprised at how much of an upgrade it is.

Not a big fan of Marie, though.
Probably. Anyway, time to go deeper on the changes.

Stuff I LOVE:

Persona Fusion Search. This is the most useful thing ever. Basically, it gives you a list of every possible fusion you can do instead of having to try every single combination. BRILLIANT! Why wasn't this done ages ago?!
Choosing the abilities to pass on during fusion. Another "Why wasn't this done ages ago?" So now you don't have to retry the fusion 100 times to get the combination you want.
Costumes in dungeons. Nuff said.
The (big spoiler) Adachi social link.
The little speech bubbles above people when they have quests.
The reshaping of Shuffle Time to be more like P3's, with the return of the Lesser Arcana (wand, sword, coin, and cup cards). Also being able to increase the strength of your personas through it and FUCK YEAH GET KEYS!
Reading books lets you pretty much double how quickly you gain status through studying/part time jobs.
The ability to go out into the town at night and boost social links.

What I like or am indifferent about:
Teddie's new voice.
Marie's social link
Shadows being animated
Being able to fight the Reaper in NG, as well as it playing sounds when the Reaper is present.
Removing save points before the boss room, but letting you restart if you lose.

Changes I don't like:
Chie's voice.

So yeah, all in all it's pretty amazing.
Just got the Trials Evo DLC. I've completely forgotten how to play this game. My touch is lost, I keep faulting on Beginner levels for crying out loud!
Far Cry 3 so far is awesome. Just killed a bull with a machine gun.

:edit: up until the forced stealth missions. Ive had to restart this same spot 20 time now. Definitely takes some points away from my review.

:edit: Game was actually good. Definitely a solid 4/5. If you have a pc powerfull enough I highly recommend it in its beauty and fun.

Whelp back to AC3

Also, new thing that I hate:

Maxing out the social link for your teammates no longer gives them a Persona without a weakness. Instead, they Null their element and get a Str in another, which is MUCH less useful than losing their weakness. It's almost not worth it to bother.
ZombiU on the Wii U, finally!

I've died six times so far. Actually seven. One of my deaths was by complete accident because I'm an idiot (throwing a grenade and having it bounce off a wall and back to me).

ZombiU is very challenging. It's hard, but it's not "Dark Souls hard". I actually really like this game. Unlike other "survival horror" games (Dead Space, Resident Evil etc) this actually feels like "survival horror". It's actually freaky and very dangerous to encounter multiple zombies, and all the power being out, the darkness, it seems very realistic... if there ever was a mass zombie apocalypse. :P

Storyline wise, it honestly isn't that interesting... but I like the whole concept of collecting supplies, exploring and trying to find potential ways of escape. The graphics are pretty sweet (especially the lighting) and I like the music, especially when you encounter zombies.

Played a bit of the New Super Mario Bros. too for the Wii U... pretty much the same as all the other ones, but that's no problem for me, it's still fun. Gorgeous looking game. :)
Heavy rain. Had this game for about a year and finally getting around to playing it. I really like it, I haven't enjoyed a game this much in years.
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