What are ya playing?

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tinymhg said:
StickyGreenGamer Long time no see. :spank2:

Work is killing me. I get home, have a few hours left before sleep. Its either play games or get on here. Sorry gents, I'll redouble my efforts!

AC3 is awesome, single player atleast. Involving, fun, lots to do. Played multiplayer for a few hours yesterday and enjoyed that as well.
So I picked up some stuff this week...

Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed III Liberation, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, and God of War Saga.

Downloaded Metal Gear Solid to play on the Vita even though I have the original PS1 discs sitting in my room and I need to pick up another copy of 4 so I can play the whole series in order.
Finished Gravity Rush finally.

If I had to write a witty tag line about the game, I would say "not flying, but falling with style." Good gameplay and premise, but it ends in a really bad sequel tie with only like a third of the questions answered.
Longo_2_guns said:
Finished Gravity Rush finally.

If I had to write a witty tag line about the game, I would say "not flying, but falling with style." Good gameplay and premise, but it ends in a really bad sequel tie with only like a third of the questions answered.
YAYYYY I'm so glad you played the game I sent you and didn't sell it for drugs.
Beat Medal of Honor Warfighter last night, finishing that game felt like work. Only beat it for the achievement points otherwise I'd never touch it again. Just plain bleh which saddens me cause I've loved the series and I enjoyed the reboot and maybe there's something wrong with me but I thought this game looked good before it came out. Kind of a bummer how this game is supposed to be a tribute to those who serve but yet the game isn't even good.

Halo 4 when I get it tomorrow, going to do campaign first then some spartan ops. I wanna beat the campaign by myself first before playing it with anybody cause people like to rush thru and I like to stop and notice everything. This will probably be the only game I ever buy a season pass for.

After reading the GR article about best endings and MGS being on the list made me realize it's been so long since playing MGS 1-3 (I recently beat 4) that I've forgotten what's happened in the games. I read up to refresh my memory and also realized it's time to re-visit this awesome series. So sometime in the future, or next paycheck, I'll be getting the MGS HD collection. I've never been crazy about MGS 2 cause I hated Raiden but it was still a good game and MGS 3 will just make up for it.
While I'm sure most of you have already played it by now, for those that haven't, Gamefly has Bioshock available for free right now. Just have to sign up for a free account (if you dn't already have one) and you can download it.
I had been playing a lot of MMO's lately so I was looking for a change of pace and was lookin around and decided to pick up Borderlands 2 a couple of weeks ago.

I was surprised because I I've been enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I'm working through the true vault hunter mode right now (kind of a bitch but still fun) and I have XCOM waiting for me when I am through shooting the shit out of everything.
Halo 4, only on the 4th mission. This is the first Halo that I've been even played the multiplayer and i can't tell if it's because the mutliplayer is so good or because the campaign is lacking. I like the campaign and story so far so maybe it's just preference.

Bought Bastion on my iPad to play while at work cause I was bored out of my mind and damn that game is a lot of fun. I wonder why I haven't played it before, was it available on XBLA? If it isn't then I guess that's why, no way my mac could run it (it's that old). Either way the game is a lot of fun and if you have a iPad or a PC and want a fun indie game to play go and buy Bastion.
Delorean88 said:
Bought Bastion on my iPad to play while at work cause I was bored out of my mind and damn that game is a lot of fun. I wonder why I haven't played it before, was it available on XBLA? If it isn't then I guess that's why, no way my mac could run it (it's that old). Either way the game is a lot of fun and if you have a iPad or a PC and want a fun indie game to play go and buy Bastion.
Yeah it debuted on XBLA. Bastion is fantastic.
Haven't posted in this thread for a while. I'm playing Halo 4, obviously. This is the first Halo game I'm trying to play on Legendary.
Got AC3 from Redbox the other day...Honestly didn't really enjoy it so I returned it cause I had to leave town for work. Maybe I didn't give it enough time, but ehh.

I really want to get Chivalry Medieval Warfare, but with P4 right around the corner I'll probably hold off.
Well, Hawken had a second closed Beta event recently, and I had a go at that.

I've got some footage of the customisation aspects of the game that I'll be putting on Youtube as soon as I get around to it.

EDIT: Almost forgot. I finally finished DE:HR. Bit disappointed in the ending, though not so much about the various montages that it comprises of, moreso the fact that somewhere in the playthrough I messed up getting the Pacifist achievement.

EDIT 2: That footage of the customisation for Hawken's up now.
Black Ops 2 campaign. Just started but I can say TXAA works and works well so far.

:EDIT: I've finished Black Ops 2. Its actually good. Id probably say the best in the series.

Now im back to playing NFS Most Wanted. The dx11 engine is beautiful.

I dont like to make new posts after I made a post so Ill continue to edit until someone else posts.

:EDIT: Now Im playing Assassins Creed 3. The TXAA in it also works very well and im very happy to not see jagged edges anymore.

Finished the walking dead video game. Ending was ultra sad but im not sure why it got such high praises for its ending. Maybe I just wanted alittle more closure. I wanted to see how far clem made it.

Also picked up the new family guy game. Maybe im the only one who still watches family guy *shrugs*
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