What are ya playing?

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Yeah, it's free to play now. The only catch is you get limited item stuff if you don't buy like a 5 dollar pass. But if it's on your Steam list already from Orange Box, you don't have to worry about that.
It's on my brother's Steam account, which I could probably use.

If not, I could just buy a retail copy of TF2. It's really cheap nowadays last time I saw.

I also hate downloading things. 1.5Mb Internet connection makes me an impatient person.

"The Witcher 2.0 would like to download this 10 GB update" - I swear to God I nearly had a heart attack.
Well, even if you buy it, it has like 5 gb worth of updates you'll have to get. Just leave it on overnight. For a week.
I'll do this for Aiur.

Downloading over night... I tried to download The Witcher 2.0's big 10 GB patch over night. When I woke up, the download had failed.

All I got in the end, was disappointment. :P
Also, I have a lot of spare guns and stuff if anyone wants some. Nothing too fancy, but if you barely play it might be nice.
The Halloween event started in Killing Floor, so I blasted away some Hillbillies. I wonder what tf2 has in store for this year.
Yeah, we should totally do a playdate.

How about once the halloween update starts, we do some regular play and some MvM?

Steam ID's all around? Mine is Talkypictures. Feel free to add me.
I was wondering who that was. Though my team was turrrrrrrrible. I'm not bad, but when I have the highest score on the team, you know something is wrong.
Longo_2_guns said:
I was wondering who that was. Though my team was turrrrrrrrible. I'm not bad, but when I have the highest score on the team, you know something is wrong.

Well, you did held the other team off it seems. However after you left, it was like taking candy from a baby. Truthfully, I suck worst so I usually play as a medic.

The displayed name is Tyrranis, though.

EDIT: Also, to get the full retail version of TF2, all you really need to fork out is 50 US Cents. Just buy the cheapest thing you can from the Mann Co. Store (Sticky Jumper), and you've got the full unlocked version.

My first purchase? Waterlogged Lab Coat paint and a Vintage Tyrolean.
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