What are ya playing?

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Dishonored, I liked it and it's a great new IP but I don't think it's worth the $60. Worth if $40 or $30 but in no way does this mean it's a bad game. Good concept that is executed well and the flaws in the game are minor really and are only bugging depending on how picky you are. The game is easier than I thought it would be (that said I am playing on normal), by that I mean I'm able to discover the various options of assassinating my targets a lot easier than games like Hitman. For me that's good because there's less roadblocks to discovering the multiple possibilities. I'm playing the game stealthy and not trying to kill anyone, though I've killed a couple because for some reason in games like this I have a need to murder everybody I see. I definitely plan on replaying with a murderous playthrough.

Next week hopefully I'll beat dishonored by then so that I can focus solely on the borderlands 2 DLC
I played the Retro City Rampage demo and in the ten minutes there were references to Super Troopers, The Dark Knight, Mega Man, Bomberman, Duck Hunt, Mario, DuckTales, Frogger, Sonic, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, A-Team, Dr. Who, Zelda, Back to the Future...

I probably missed several. And that's only in the 10-minute demo. I need to buy this.
Played some Metroid Prime 3 for the first time. I must say right of the bat I was super impressed with the use of the motion controls—perhaps the best implementation of them so far IMO. Oddly enough, the novelty wore out about 3 hours in and I'm ready for something else. Man, why do I get sick of games so easily?
Just finished beating borderlands 2 a second time now with the mechromancer. Waiting on my roommate to finish a char so we can work on true vault hunter mode.

Going to try the new xcom now.
used44 said:
I played the Retro City Rampage demo and in the ten minutes there were references to Super Troopers, The Dark Knight, Mega Man, Bomberman, Duck Hunt, Mario, DuckTales, Frogger, Sonic, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, A-Team, Dr. Who, Zelda, Back to the Future...

I probably missed several. And that's only in the 10-minute demo. I need to buy this.

Color me interested.
used44 said:
I played the Retro City Rampage demo and in the ten minutes there were references to Super Troopers, The Dark Knight, Mega Man, Bomberman, Duck Hunt, Mario, DuckTales, Frogger, Sonic, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, A-Team, Dr. Who, Zelda, Back to the Future...

I probably missed several. And that's only in the 10-minute demo. I need to buy this.
Everyone should buy this game. Part of "playing" is watching the references fly by.
Is the demo out for the ps3? I couldn't find it in the store.

I played some Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and now I'm enjoying the music and stretching in Noby Noby Boy.
used44 said:
I played the Retro City Rampage demo and in the ten minutes there were references to Super Troopers, The Dark Knight, Mega Man, Bomberman, Duck Hunt, Mario, DuckTales, Frogger, Sonic, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, A-Team, Dr. Who, Zelda, Back to the Future...

I probably missed several. And that's only in the 10-minute demo. I need to buy this.

I won a copy of RCR by spotting as many references as I could in a video of it by TotalBiscuit.

I'm thinking I might use Fraps to catalogue all of 'em in the full version.
I just tried the first level. Im pretty sure there were 20 different references in the first level alone.

It plays like you always wanted your 8bit games to play and it has references to all the things we know and grew up on. crazy fun so far.
Sourdeez said:
Just finished beating borderlands 2 a second time now with the mechromancer. Waiting on my roommate to finish a char so we can work on true vault hunter mode.

Going to try the new xcom now.
<.< I haven't played borderlands 2 in awhile. Dunno just boring to me <.<
Noritama said:
Sourdeez said:
Just finished beating borderlands 2 a second time now with the mechromancer. Waiting on my roommate to finish a char so we can work on true vault hunter mode.

Going to try the new xcom now.
<.< I haven't played borderlands 2 in awhile. Dunno just boring to me <.<

Personally, I don't understand everyone's fascination with the franchise.
If you would have changed the names of the borderlands 2 copies to borderlands 1 I would have understood why everyone gave borderlands 1 such rave reviews. Borderlands 1 is bland, boring, and the developer even admits to shoehorning in a story after they had finished most of the game. I spent a long time trying to understand just what it was half of my friends loved so much about it while the other half of my friends came to the conclusion that the others just liked boring repetition in a bland world.

This time around the devs have learned a lot and could tell they really needed to work on the world, story, and characters. I remember in the first game they touted about how cool the guns were as you played but to be honest I never found a cool gun in the first game. Even in the dlcs the guns weren't that great or original. Borderlands 2 fixes that within the first 5 levels. The nvidia Physx stuff adds to the game and makes me love corrosive weapons and singularity grenades but I do hope they release more physx based weapons in the future. The new enemies and ai are diverse and the environments are now lush and varies visually from zone to zone.. They did not however learn any lessons from guild wars 2 about not having to deal with loot hog friends or level adjustment to your friends level.

It won't get my game of the year pick but I'm one of the biggest borderlands 1 haters(I finished it all the way through including the dlcs just to be fair) Borderlands 2 from me gets a solid B+. Theres only a handful of things in my opinion that really keeps it down including pet peeves of mine (Like releasing the 5th class as a paid dlc saying it would be 60-90 days after launch, Then they said 30 days, then it came out two weeks after launch effectively keeping people from talking about how its close to day 1, have to pay, dlc until after it was out.)
Alex_Osborn said:
What should I play next?

Darksiders 2 or Spec Ops: The Line

Darksiders 2 will take about 25 to 40 hours depending on how thorough you are. Spec Ops will be about 8 to 12 depending on how bad your aim is. Personally, I play Darksiders first, but that's just me.
I'm much more interested in Spec Ops. Darksiders 1 was really boring. 2 is supposedly faster paced and overall more interesting, but I'm in no hurry to give the franchise another chance.
Spec Ops the line had a decent story and I won't spoil anything for you.

I will say however I wish they would have used the sand in the environment changing more.
Darksiders 2 improves on the original in pretty much every way imaginable. I didn't particularly care for the first game either, but I thoroughly enjoyed the sequel.
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