What are ya playing?

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Another reason Green Man Gaming is great is because they are the only digital game retailer that allows you to trade in your downloaded games for credit after you finish them. Aside from Steam, they are my go-to digital distributor.
Green_Lantern said:
What I think of when I see that emote:

Briefly replaying Skyrim, I was bored a couple of days ago and started getting back into torchlight. But now with my alchemist it's just endless grinding in the endless dungeon (which I actually enjoy) and my roommate was talking about Skyrim and I mentioned that I'd like to play Skyrim again. He owned and now my social life was lost. Decided to start a new character, a redguard warrior/archer (I tried to change from my orc warrior). I would of went elf mage but I feel like I'd just end up sucking at being a mage. It's fun going back and starting from scratch but it sucks not being super over powered and awesome like my orc warrior. I struggled clearing a Falmer dungeon but the payoff from killing dungeon's king was amazing. Archery is fun though I have to focus more on one hand, I figure to truly get the benefit of archery it's probably better to be an elf. But I like how in Skyrim your race only matters for the first 10 or so levels. Then you get to a point where you could be a mage/warrior/sneak/archer if you just worked on the skills.

Unfortunately won't get to play Skyrim for much longer, I plan to go home and Dragon's Dogma should of arrived in the mail by now meaning when I get back to campus it'll Dragon's Dogma until Borderlands 2 releases to which then I'll have to say goodbye to DD. Which is sad, I think DD will probably be a blast to play. I missed the gaming drought of the summer, it allowed me to catch up on games. I'll have to make sure to revisit DD, darksiders 1 & 2, Sleeping Dogs, Skyrim and anything else I miss that releases in the next couple of months (probably Res Evil 6, I'd like to play it but I'd rather rent Dishonored from gamefly than Res Evil 6).
Tried a bit of Halo Wars.

Now playing Dragon Age II, finally. Feels good attacking the back catalog. The game has put me to sleep a few times though.
Tried a bit of Halo Wars.

Now playing Dragon Age II, finally. Feels good attacking the back catalog. The game has put me to sleep a few times though.
Actually playing backlog games feels just as good as crossing off a whole bunch of chores. To bad I do neither of those things with any sense of frequency.
I've got the hd downloadable version of that but still haven't played it. Never played the original release
100 pages ago...

Used was playing Assassin's Creed II and Comic Jumper.
De-Ting was playing Fallout 3.
Longo was playing Demon's Souls.
HK-47 was playing Spider-Man 2.
GL was playing Persona 3 Portable.
Lethean was playing Modern Warfare 2 and World of Warcraft.
Delta47 was playing Asteroids.
keepit was playing Red Dead Redemption.
DocMoc was playing Lego Star Wars.
LinksOcarina was playing Pokemon Snap.
Grey was playing Mass Effect.
UghRochester was playing Fallout: New Vegas.
Brett was playing Valkyria Chronicles.
Diabolus was playing Borderlands.
Rakon was playing NHL 11.
TheDiesel was playing Halo: Reach.
kapok was playing NBA 2K11.
This one requires no effort. I just throw topics at the wall and see what sticks.

Also have a great wife and zero friends! Yaaaaaay
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