What are ya playing?

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Episode 3 of the walking dead has been successful at distracting my from gw2. Good thing its short.

I will say this episode is the most shocking and sad so far.
Ting and I played R6 Vegas 2...frustrating, yet fun experience. Forgot how hard it was compared to the original.
1 was a breeze for me, especially when playing co-op. The level design in Vegas 2 is kinda wonky and the AI teammates getting stuck in a doorway as the stupid enemies come out doesn't help either, lol.
I like R6V2, for the most part. We should try more co-op. The game data saves only on your system and must be copy protected, though, because I lost all of my data.
De-Ting said:
I like R6V2, for the most part. We should try more co-op. The game data saves only on your system and must be copy protected, though, because I lost all of my data.
Guild wars 2 just saying ;D
De-Ting said:
I like R6V2, for the most part. We should try more co-op. The game data saves only on your system and must be copy protected, though, because I lost all of my data.

Whenever you're up for it. I wish the AI wasn't required on some levels, it kinda ruins the experience. Should have been one partner per player.
Did you quit to the menu first? Everything should have saved, because there are achievements and rewards for playing co-op...
TheJx4 said:
De-Ting said:
I like R6V2, for the most part. We should try more co-op. The game data saves only on your system and must be copy protected, though, because I lost all of my data.

Whenever you're up for it. I wish the AI wasn't required on some levels, it kinda ruins the experience. Should have been one partner per player.
Did you quit to the menu first? Everything should have saved, because there are achievements and rewards for playing co-op...
I mean when my other PS3 died that had my original data.

If you want, I'll be player one and boss around the drones.
De-Ting said:
TheJx4 said:
De-Ting said:
I like R6V2, for the most part. We should try more co-op. The game data saves only on your system and must be copy protected, though, because I lost all of my data.

Whenever you're up for it. I wish the AI wasn't required on some levels, it kinda ruins the experience. Should have been one partner per player.
Did you quit to the menu first? Everything should have saved, because there are achievements and rewards for playing co-op...
I mean when my other PS3 died that had my original data.

If you want, I'll be player one and boss around the drones.

All yours. I'll probably be on around 5 tomorrow
I suppose I'm lucky my PC can't run Dark Souls, or I'd be playing that again.

And I can't believe how many of my friends are idiots at it. Well, okay, I can, but still. I've had to walk at least three of them through the simplest stuff. And one of them goes into huge tirades every time they don't notice what they're doing wrong.
I had some fun with it, but I can't play virtual pin ball games. I just dont get the same enjoyment without the tactile feel.

Guild Wars 2, but I'm away from home this weekend so plenty of 3DS XL and PS Vita, including LittleBigPlanet Vita.
CS:GO for XBLA, finally I'm able to play the current version of counter-strike without needing a PC. I'm kind of shocked how the XBLA player base actually bought CS:GO, I figured the COD addicted market wouldn't be interested in the older style of CS. CS:GO isn't perfect, mainly because at least on PC you have the never ending modding market that provides endless maps, skins, modes and etc. whereas with CS:GO on xbox I'm limited to a small amount of maps. But hey it's CS and it was cheap so I'm fine with it.

When transformers FOC came out I rented it thru gamefly and only played the campaign. Fun game, I bet if I was a major transformers fan I would of loved it and thought "this is the transformers game I've been waiting for." It's good but I feel that if you don't have a heavy appeal in the transformers universe then it isn't worth buying. Returned it and I'm expecting Dragon's Dogma in the mail. I'm excited to check it out and I know from GR's review to give it a chance past it's first couple of hours. I liked what was in the demo so I'm sure I'll like the game. Really I'm just playing this until Borderlands 2 comes out.

Until Dragon's Dogma hits my doorstep BF3, The Walking Dead (which is amazing, just bought episode 1) and re-visiting torchlight to further improve my lvl 57 alchemist. I was tempted to buy the orange box for $20 on XBLA but I figured I have a enough games to play.
Anyone know good - preferably free - PC recording software?

I'm thinking it would be kinda cool to record my Dark Souls exploits.
Dead Space 2 again because I bought it on my PC for dirt cheap during the Steam sale. I forgot how fucking LOUD this game is, every room you walk in is met with a wall of sound. It's not scary and pretty annoying. Still a very fun game otherwise.

I also recently beat Fallout 1 for the first time ever. Good game but dear God is it dated. The controls are just so rudimentary, and without the manual (got it off Steam), I spent a very good chunk of time looking up how to do the most basic stuff. I guess Fallout 2 fixes a lot of problems with the first one, so I will probably start playing that one very soon.
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