What are ya playing?

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55.5 hours into new vegas... i don't want it to end. And every time i complete a quest 2 more sidequests pop up! It's like the game knows i don't want it to end and keeps giving me more stuff before the battle at the hoover dam.
used44 said:

Steve Holt!

If only his celebration dance was the same......

I returned Witcher 2, good game but for some reason I just couldn't really get into it. I didn't think it was bad or anything but I just didn't get sucked in the game. And with the fall semester starting soon I wouldn't have time to finish it anyways. I plan on getting the new transformers game next, short fun shooter it'll help me kill time. I'm really just playing anything I have until CS:GO releases for XBLA. I'm worried that without cross platform play CS:GO won't be all that fun because I'm worried the xbox gamer populace either won't buy CS:GO or play it after the first month. I'm excited for it, I've always been a huge counter-strike fan and I've never had a computer good enough to run my copy of CSS so being able to play a current version of counter strike will make me happy.
Sonic Generations

Hoping I can beat it in a day, it's an extremely short game so I think it's reasonable.

Clear the way for Borderlands or Civ 5. Not sure which to play first.
I think it was a mistake playing Borderlands right after New Vegas...it's very good, I enjoy it, but I keep thinking 'this game makes me think of New Vegas just inferior in basically every single way'.
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