What are ya playing?

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NCAA 13. Damn that game still has some really poor injury balancing issues. Somehow Madden cured it, but NCAA you still get injured on every other play. You have to just turn them off.

Also playing Soundshapes and Rayman: Origins. So, two wonderful soundtracks.
Rayman Origins is damn fun. I always see it in my pile of games and wish I could turn back time and experience it for the first time again.
World of Tanks. Apparently they're going to add physics to the game and it'll be sweet.

Also, my friend brought Deus Ex: Human Revolution plus the Missing Link DLC on his Steam account, so I've been playing that also. I've been playing it on the hardest difficulty and it's pretty fun. Kind of weird that it takes me a whole magazine to take out someone with no augs while they only have to shoot me once.
Well i just finished replaying through the half life 2 series.(Still gems that stand up better then almost any game from the past)

Not im replaying through the walking dead episode 1 and 2(I lost my first saves)

Sleeping dogs comes out tomorow.
Daniel continues his quest to find somebody who is worse at games than him.

Online fighters are never fun with the general populace. You need to play with Longo. On Mortal Kombat we were pretty evenly matched and that made it a ton of fun.
Sleeping dogs is here! and the developer held true to there word. The engine looks and runs awesome with the HD texture pack
Bretimus_v2 said:
Online fighters are never fun with the general populace. You need to play with Longo. On Mortal Kombat we were pretty evenly matched and that made it a ton of fun.
I have a feeling me and Daniel won't be that evenly matched...
Those were fun though. More than once it went right down to the wire.
I know you guys are Street Fighter fans. I'd love to play Street Fighter 2 HD remix with someone who isn't an epic beast.

Right now I'm playing Sound Shapes. Friggin awesome stuff right there.
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