What are ya playing?

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The best way to get better at Battlefield 3 is to familiarize yourself with the maps. Obviously that takes a lot of repitition, but the generous kill-cam and quick respawns can really help you find that fucker and punish him, if you know what you're looking at.

Most Important

1. A good squad (preferably friends with mics)
2. Map familiarity
3. Good weapons
Bretimus_v2 said:
Vehicle. Run and drop, run and drop. Find cover. All valid options.

Still you're probably just screwed.

Yeah, pretty much that.

and used, I swear no one uses Mics in BF3.
What platform do you play on, Jx4?

I exclusively play with friends. Strangers are indeed terrible at communicating, and I'm pretty shy too.
Speaking of which, Dan, have you purchased a bluetooth mic yet? I use a mic. But you have to find a good crew. Add strangers if they're good. That's how I found my BC2 group. I could recommend you a couple of guys if you really care enough.

If so, drop me a line on PSN (Seaweed3).
My playlist is pretty fucking crazy right now....

Just got Skyrim, been messing around in NCAA football 12, Gamefly sent me MW3 so a little of that, started a new playthrough of Lost Odyssey since I never got far when I played it originally, gathering Riddler trophies in Batman AC, and started Disgaea 4 but that will probably have to take a backseat for a while.
Longo_2_guns said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
If so, drop me a line on PSN (Seaweed3).
Wait, you're Seaweed3?

s***, that explains a lot.

I said the same thing when I realized that during the BF3 beta.

and yeah Dan, on PS3. It's terrible on BF3, heaven on MW3.

Used, I'm on PS3. We all need to party up tonight. Maybe I'll suck less.
Got Alan Wake out of the cellophane. Started playing it for a little bit, decide save it for Monday or Tuesday when I'm off from work.
I want to buy Skyrim.. but I've not completed Dark Souls or Arkham City and I want to go prestige on MW3 atleast once before I start giving time to anything else! I feel spoiled!
UghRochester said:
Got Alan Wake out of the cellophane. Started playing it for a little bit, decide save it for Monday or Tuesday when I'm off from work.

This game is almost perfectly made (whether through design, or accident) to be played one episode a night. Each episode will do you for an evening, then a little credits roll will wind you out of the episode and you can turn off the Xbox and have a little ponder about the plot before bedtime. I had a great time playing this game!
MarkyBee said:
This game is almost perfectly made (whether through design, or accident) to be played one episode a night.

Playing some Battlefield 3 on PC now and also working my way through more reviews including Rayman Origins.
Yes, so far I notice the controls are nice and smooth. I saw product advertising, noticing Alan Wake doesn't use Duracell. Instead, he keeps rolling, rolling with Energizers.
They rereleased it on PS3. It's worth getting, for sure, especially if you haven't played it. The setup with the Move or a controller isn't quite as good as the Wii, simply because the Wiimote is inaccurate and thus allows you a bit more ease.

It needs a patch, though. Ah well.
Longo_2_guns said:
They rereleased it on PS3. It's worth getting, for sure, especially if you haven't played it. The setup with the Move or a controller isn't quite as good as the Wii, simply because the Wiimote is inaccurate and thus allows you a bit more ease.

It needs a patch, though. Ah well.

Yeah I know.

I misunderstood when you said it's not as good as the Wii ones, because it's a Wii/PS3 game...
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