What are ya playing?

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How about we reserve judgment until at the very least the reviews hit. If Skyrim sucks (and I don’t think it will) I will be the first one to condemn it. And maybe we should have this discussion in the Skyrim thread.

I’m replaying Oblivion and Civilization IV.
- Battlefield 3 multi. I've played with BigCheese1987 a few times and that has been fun.

- Battlefield 3 campaign. A teensy bit.

- Batman Arkham City. Going after Riddler trophies (270/440 or so) and need to complete one more side quest. Will start the New Game Plus soon. Rocksteady needs to announce some story-based DLC. Preferably involving a character other than Batman or Catwoman (xXx_<3_NiGhTwInG!!_<3_xXx) but I'd buy anything.
Just finished Dragon Age 2....I actually thought it was better than I had expected it to be, but still a step backwards from Origins.
used44 said:
Rocksteady needs to announce some story-based DLC. Preferably involving a character other than Batman or Catwoman but I'd buy anything.
The second they announce Story DLC of any kind, then I'm like...
I am fighting not buying Nightwing challenge rooms.

Nightwing, Nightwing, Nightwing, Grayson, Nightwing...ad nauseum
the_mighty_toast said:
Am I the only one who does not enjoy the Challenge Rooms in the Batman games? o_O

Na I'm kinda with you, I think the rooms are fun but when you try to get all the medals it quickly becomes frustrating and emotional. If I owned the game I'd probably be willing to put in the effort to get the medals but I rented it so I thought "eh". Though the fighting challenges are more fun to me than the predator maps

Played a great amount of Battlefield 3 today, pretty much what I'll be playing till Skyrim. Back to Karkand looks like it's gonna add some great stuff
Good ol' Bayonetta. Just completed it on Hard, and am now just doing all the secret missions. May mix that up with some Tiger Woods 12 - it's been a while since a good knock.
Rayman 1. Sweet nostalgia in wait for Origins.

Getting loads of emone in Killing Floor and dying everytime at the last round. Fuck you Patriarch!
Thanks to Longo and Dan, I have now been spoiled enough to finish some sides in Batman: Arkham City. Better start working on it.
BF3 and Uncharted shipped first, Arkham City shipped today, but apparently AC is arriving tomorrow.

So. I'm the goddamn Batman.
I suppose I should stress:

This weekend...the first for Modern Warfare 3 AND Skyrim...

if I see ANY of you on this worthless internet for other reasons than porn...you shall be DISGRACED!! ;)
I'm waiting to see if De-Ting invites me to this mysterious site where I can get MW3 for 40% off, but I have to confirm my pre-order @ Gamestop by today.
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