What are ya playing?

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Started up Transformers Devastation instead of Dishonored 2 since I heard it was short. Wouldn't mind finishing it up first before moving on.
Beat Transformers. While I'll probably still mess around with it here and there, I'm intending on playing Dishonored next. Not 2, the original, as a code came with the second one for a free download. So when it finally finishes downloading (my internet speeds suck) I'm going to go back to Dunwall and play through the game on the PS4 this time.
I got Transformers: Devastation for free via PSN. Normally, at the time, it was $50 AUD (about $36 USD).

I found the overall game play to be really repetitive, but I really enjoyed the boss battles. Boss battles made the combat system feel awesome, where as regular fights... not so much.
I got it for free as well. I would agree with Craig's evaluation. The boss battles feel pretty good, though they too are repetitive as it usually boils down to dodge, counterattack, repeat. Sometimes there are some extra things thrown in, whether that be more enemies, shields that need to be broken down, or a few other things, but for the most part combat is rather repetitive. Story is so-so, but considering it is based on a children's cartoon from the 80's that can be expected.

I'd say it is easily worth $20, $30 if you are a big Transformers fan.
Not currently trudging through some epic story, but my default games to play is the golf club. Kinda sucks that golf games died out over the years, they are a great way to relax. I don't give a damn about improving my golfer's stats, I just like to unwind and play some quiet golf, which is exactly what the golf club provides.
I've just finished Bioshock 2, now I'm onto Bioshock: Infinite.

Holy crap, I love Infinite. The game is blowing my mind.

I love all the Bioshock games so far, and I feel in order to truly appreciate 'em, you have to play them all. Playing them back to back has been quite an experience for me.
^ See I finished the first Bioshock.

But going onto the 2nd was tough for me as it just didnt *feel* the same. So I skipped 2 and went onto Infinite. And yeah, Infinite strikes gold - love it.
Working on a perfect Ghost run in Dishonored. Also trying to get the Mostly Flesh and Steel trophy at the same time, so no fun powers beyond the starting Blink. It's going to be interesting.
Anyone got Gravity Rush 2? Really want to know what that's like, I absolutely loved the first one.
I'm plugging through Watch Dogs 2. I still really like it, but it is very much over-staying its welcome. Just focusing on the Main Operations now because I really want to finish it before starting something new.
I've started The Last Guardian, which is... interesting.

I love Trico, the game looks quite nice, but the frame rate can be really annoying at times. The controls are a bit funny too. Most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing and tend to guess my way through it.
I just remembered I had Shenzhen I/O. Literally the only application of my assembly language programming knowledge, and the assembly in this game is nowhere near close to the real thing.

I wanna make a cool LCD game within this game, like ths but I dunno if I have the patience for that.
I downloaded and played the Nioh "Last Chance Trial".

It's alright. Plays and feels just like Dark Souls, except in a supernatural setting involving Japanese culture like samurai and stuff. The animations feel a bit wonky and stiff, especially how he walks and runs.

I didn't mind it, and I think it's cool how you can change between three stances of combat, but some of the enemies were very tough.
I totally forgot about the Nioh trial this weekend, even though I had downloaded it in preparation. Doh! Oh well, I had fun playing Dishonored. Just got to the mission to take down the Lord Regent, which I vaguely remember from when I played it on PS3. For some reason the other missions have stood out more in my memory.
I bought Resident Evil VII: Biohazard on a whim the other day. I had a $50 gift card for EB Games and I made them price match with another store, so technically, it only cost me $30 out of pocket.

It's... different. It really doesn't feel like a Resident Evil game.

When I play this game, it doesn't feel very "scary" or "terrifying" as everyone says. It's certainly intense, especially with the lack of ammunition as well as the powerful enemies you face. You don't fight many enemies at once but unlike say, The Evil Within, where running away is a legit choice, this game doesn't offer that. Judging by the jump scares and the first person perspective game play, it's definitely built with VR in mind, that's for sure. This game would probably make myself shit everywhere in fear if I was playing it on Playstation VR.

That being said, I'm enjoying it so far but I'm up to one part (no spoilers) where it's essentially a boss fight, and it's incredibly frustrating. I've lost at it like, five times now. Maybe I should have picked easy difficulty over normal.
Im so torn with RE7, I'm want to play it now, but part of me wants to wait until I get VR. Then some people are saying it just falls short! I'm going to wait and see how it all unfolds. I'm in the mood for a horror game like this, and I've always been a fan of RE. I didn't even mind 6, and 5 was great in my eyes.
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