What are ya playing?

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Currently I'm playing Heart of the Swarm on Hard mode.

Is it just me, or was Wings of Liberty much harder? I'm blasting through HotS at the moment.

Already finished BioShock Infinite, last weekend to be exact. It has been a long while since I sat through the whole singleplayer experience from start to finish in one sitting. Phenomenal game! Going for 1999 mode + no dollar bill achievement now.
Started up Bioshock Infinite, adding to the number of games I've started but not finished.

It's... good. It certainly feels like Bioshock in the Air, since it's going through a lot of the same steps the first game made. But the moment I got regenerating shields, I honestly laughed.

It made me realize that despite Bioshock only coming out six years ago, there's no way that they could release that game now and expect it to sell to mainstream audiences. And it wasn't even that complex or anything.
Aaaand finished with Bioshock Infinite. It sucked. I recommend it to no one.

With that and STALKER checked off, time to play Spec Ops: the Line.
Longo_2_guns said:
Aaaand finished with Bioshock Infinite. It sucked. I recommend it to no one.

With that and STALKER checked off, time to play Spec Ops: the Line.

Let me guess, you don't care for stories much.

Every person I know who is into reading novels and loves a good book has been enamored by BioShock: Infinite.

Just a hypothesis.
Longo's got the sandiest vagina in here, there should be an achievement or award for it. Still, that's why I like him, he doesn't care anyone thinks.

Also, there is a high chance he's being sarcastic. It's Longo.

Playing Don't Starve and Bioshock Infinite.
I'm looking for a game. JRPG, preferably some sort of thing along the lines of a Tales of game for 360. Anyone? anything to get me through this little lull we've got going on here.

In the meantime, I'm contemplating downloading Vergil's Downfall for DmC. Or I may bring out some of my ol' Tiger Woods 12 clubs to get myself psyched up for the Masters.
NecroWolf said:
Also, there is a high chance he's being sarcastic. It's Longo.
Now why on Earth would I make a joke like that?

And I decided to go on to Walking Dead next instead. Just made it out of Macon. Fascinating game.
MattAY said:
I'm looking for a game. JRPG, preferably some sort of thing along the lines of a Tales of game for 360. Anyone? anything to get me through this little lull we've got going on here.

In the meantime, I'm contemplating downloading Vergil's Downfall for DmC. Or I may bring out some of my ol' Tiger Woods 12 clubs to get myself psyched up for the Masters.

I've played quite a few RPGs this generation and the only ones I liked were western-style I.E. Dark Souls, Mass Effect 2, etc.
There haven't been that many Japanesey RPG's period, though. Especially not turn-based ones.

Like, even Nier wasn't a typical JRPG.
MattAY said:
I'm looking for a game. JRPG, preferably some sort of thing along the lines of a Tales of game for 360. Anyone? anything to get me through this little lull we've got going on here.

Ni No Kuni + PS3
How is this defiance game? I saw it at Walmart and see plenty of commercials for it but haven't seen shit about the game previously
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