What are ya playing?

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danielrbischoff said:
Nice buy on the card! What did you get?

Radeon HD 7870 XT. I paid 225 after the rebate and got Tomraider and Bioshock Infinite with it. The card by itself is worth more than what I paid for it and I got two games that I was planning on buying anyway.
Recettear, after I make a payment, I can make the next one before the next day ends. But capitalism is always fun, and vastly more profitable than spelunking.
danielrbischoff said:
Dead or Alive 5 + and more Fire Emblem: Awakening while I wait for midnight. Anyone ever set up a VPN?

Yes, I have set up VPNs. What are you using the VPN for? *Lifts his eye-patch up with his hooked hand to wink*
Should I get DXHR on PSN? It's $10, and with Sony's promotion, I'm basically getting it for free. Spend $50, get $10. I'm not to keen on spending money on single player games, and DCUO DLC is also half off, $5 a piece. So the odd's aren't in HR's favor, lol
LawnGnome said:
Yes, I have set up VPNs. What are you using the VPN for? *Lifts his eye-patch up with his hooked hand to wink*
Oh I was hoping to play Bioshock early on Monday.
TheJx4 said:
Should I get DXHR on PSN? It's $10, and with Sony's promotion, I'm basically getting it for free. Spend $50, get $10. I'm not to keen on spending money on single player games, and DCUO DLC is also half off, $5 a piece. So the odd's aren't in HR's favor, lol
Get DXHR. Amazing game for that price.
danielrbischoff said:
LawnGnome said:
Yes, I have set up VPNs. What are you using the VPN for? *Lifts his eye-patch up with his hooked hand to wink*
Oh I was hoping to play Bioshock early on Monday.

VPNs aren't really hard, but there's really only one reason to use them -- and Seedboxes are better at it.
On vacation, finally got into some of the DS games that I purchased for myself. Layton and Curious Village AND Advanced Wars! Really enjoy them, but they're hard to stay engaged in.
TheJx4 said:
Should I get DXHR on PSN? It's $10, and with Sony's promotion, I'm basically getting it for free. Spend $50, get $10. I'm not to keen on spending money on single player games, and DCUO DLC is also half off, $5 a piece. So the odd's aren't in HR's favor, lol
I'm too busy to make fun of you. Lucky you.
Longo_2_guns said:
TheJx4 said:
Should I get DXHR on PSN? It's $10, and with Sony's promotion, I'm basically getting it for free. Spend $50, get $10. I'm not to keen on spending money on single player games, and DCUO DLC is also half off, $5 a piece. So the odd's aren't in HR's favor, lol
I'm too busy to make fun of you. Lucky you.

Yeah, if you're really going to pass over a game as good as DXHR for DCUO DLC, you're just.... stupid? I mean, you really don't like single player games that much?
NickKmet said:
Longo_2_guns said:
TheJx4 said:
Should I get DXHR on PSN? It's $10, and with Sony's promotion, I'm basically getting it for free. Spend $50, get $10. I'm not to keen on spending money on single player games, and DCUO DLC is also half off, $5 a piece. So the odd's aren't in HR's favor, lol
I'm too busy to make fun of you. Lucky you.

Yeah, if you're really going to pass over a game as good as DXHR for DCUO DLC, you're just.... stupid? I mean, you really don't like single player games that much?

Yes, I am stupid for preferring dlc for a game my friends and I play quite often, friends who I see in person every few months or so. DLC that we have been talking about buying for awhile now. Excuse me, for I am stupid. Also, kudos to you guys for acting as if I played the game before, I ASKED for a reason. If I had a dime for every single player game I own, I wouldn't have any dimes.
danielrbischoff said:
LawnGnome said:
Yes, I have set up VPNs. What are you using the VPN for? *Lifts his eye-patch up with his hooked hand to wink*
Oh I was hoping to play Bioshock early on Monday.

Ah, well if the need to activate your game early ever arises again you might want to check out a new free VPN project started by a Japanese university http://www.vpngate.net/en/join.aspx . I haven't used it yet, but it looks like they have servers in just about every time zone & country. If you wanted more dedicated VPN/proxy access I know of a few that I use that are only like $3 a month and have servers in every time zone in the US & Europe.
WickedLiquid said:
The Cave.

I really liked it and played through it 3 times to see everything.
It froze on me after I tried using the crank that you're magically supposed to know you can pry off with a crowbar, so I haven't been playing it. I noticed the root grog machine, but that was about the most interesting thing in the game.
Last time you asked for advice you got really mad at us! Get Graces f. I've heard great things about that game, you can play it right now, and it's likely cheaper.
Get out of here, STALKER!

Come in, come in, don't just stand there.

...I'm playing STALKER still. It's gotten... interesting. My first time into the underground was terrifying.
I want to stop playing League of Legends, but I can't stop playing. It's probably the most fun video game ever made.
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