What are ya playing?

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danielrbischoff said:
Gunner37 said:
One of main gripes about the single player is the rage meter and how you can only do certain combos when its full but other than that its fun
It fills up faster on Fire, but honestly I'm not very good at the combat in single-player so I didn't have much use for Rage mode either.

Here's a question for you for multiplayer which god did you choose I can't really decide between poseidon or hades, I was going with ares originally but nothing really special there so I am trying to decide between the these two I was not a huge fan of zeus so thats out
Gunner37 said:
Here's a question for you for multiplayer which god did you choose I can't really decide between poseidon or hades, I was going with ares originally but nothing really special there so I am trying to decide between the these two I was not a huge fan of zeus so thats out
I went with Hades because the gear looks pretty bad ass, plus I mean, everyone else is sucking up to Zeus, so I said fuck that...
Zajix said:
Hey gunner it doesn't matter which god you choose originally, you can switch gods.

I know I'm changing back between Hades and Poseidon just can't decide who I liked better until I found out you can basically become a wraith for a couple seconds and destroy people with that ability with Hades so I think that wins
The Room on my iPad. A very fun little puzzle game. Finished it in two sittings. The atmosphere was really great at first, and genuinely spooky, but then it fell off the mark near the end. It was like, the story was so vague that it ended up just meaning nothing.

Good game though. Awesome that its from a first-time developer. Get it if you have a tablet.
movin on from path of exile, gave all my shit to a kid i played with.

think im gonna go back to starcraft for a while.

Definitely getting bioshock infinite though.
It's been a while, so I'm think I'm going to start a new Fallout 3 game. Never been a complete dick, so I'll go that route too.
i dont think its cool to like blizzard products anymore, but if anyone is playing starcraft HotS let me know your email or whatever so we can play a few!
I finally got around to finising Hitman: Absolution on Saturday night. Overall, it was a good game but I felt that Hitman: Blood Money was more enjoyable.

I recently picked up Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm but have yet to play it. I'll give it a crack tonight.

Attempted to replay ZombiU on the Wii U the other night (after finishing it at the end of last year) but couldn't quite get back into it... so instead, I chucked in Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition into the Wii U instead. Now I remember exactly why Resident Evil 4 is by far, the best Resident Evil game ever made and one of my all time favourite games in general. :)
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