What are ya playing?

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Finished playing the single player of God of War: Ascension and while not as good as it's predecessors, but still an enjoyable game, also helps that I got the platinum trophy for it but the trial of archimedes can go die probably one of the hardest area of a single game that I have played recently
Probably why it's being patched. I find GOW to be hilariously easy, so if I do pick up the game, I'll beat it before updating
TheJx4 said:
Defiance. AKA the original Borderlands before the style change. And poorly implemented mechanics. Loving it
This game is incredibly cheesy...and bad. And if the voice for (Cortana) EGO isn't a placeholder, these guys are seriously setting themselves up for ridicule.
De-Ting said:
TheJx4 said:
Defiance. AKA the original Borderlands before the style change. And poorly implemented mechanics. Loving it
This game is incredibly cheesy...and bad. And if the voice for (Cortana) EGO isn't a placeholder, these guys are seriously setting themselves up for ridicule.

It's a placeholder, it's terrible, and it's too frequent. Much different from the current build. I'm curious, are you playing by yourself? It's about as enjoyable as Borderlands when you play solo. And when I say enjoyable, I'm mean fun for 30 minutes. It's pretty boring for the first hour. When you actually start getting the good guns, and stop being sent on fetch quests, it's actually very fun. Especially when you play with others who have different EGO powers than you.
TheJx4 said:
It's pretty boring for the first hour. When you actually start getting the good guns, and stop being sent on fetch quests
See, that's part of the recipe for a terrible game right there.

Also, I love playing Borderlands alone.
De-Ting said:
TheJx4 said:
It's pretty boring for the first hour. When you actually start getting the good guns, and stop being sent on fetch quests
See, that's part of the recipe for a terrible game right there.

Also, I love playing Borderlands alone.

Pre-Sanctuary BL2 bored me so much that I traded in a copy I won, for $30. I repurchased the game to give it a second chance and now I love it. Defiance is the same way, and it's definitely not meant to be played alone. Try queuing up for one of the co-op maps. Other than that, it just might not be your thing.
I'm now playing the waiting game.




PS - I found this on my google search and loved it:

I played a few hours of Kingdoms of Amalur while preloading BI. Now I just have to wait until Tuesday. Since my copy was free with my shiny new video card of doom, I don't get any bonus games with it. I'd say I still got a hell of good deal though.

As to KoA, I'm trying to like it, but it feels too much like an offline MMO without the good parts.
TurinAlexander said:
I played a few hours of Kingdoms of Amalur while preloading BI. Now I just have to wait until Tuesday. Since my copy was free with my shiny new video card of doom, I don't get any bonus games with it. I'd say I still got a hell of good deal though.

As to KoA, I'm trying to like it, but it feels too much like an offline MMO without the good parts.

that's what it is
Finally got around to beating mass effect 3. While the ending wasn't terrible, it was a terrible letdown for the series, and really didn't fit as an ending to the series or the game.

Now I'm playing the shit out of Kindgoms of Amalur. It's been pretty fun. I really like the combat, and the lore is pretty interesting.
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