What are ya playing?

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If it helps GL, my friend is in the same situation. He's a big Bioshock fan too. However, he's just been busy recently.

Now, you might be the only TWO who hasn't actually played Infinite sure...

I've just realised I haven't played Catherine yet. Is that any good? I feel I'd only be getting that game for the story and animation. I've heard the gameplay is taxing and the controls are very annoying!
MattAY said:
I've just realised I haven't played Catherine yet. Is that any good? I feel I'd only be getting that game for the story and animation. I've heard the gameplay is taxing and the controls are very annoying!
You heard wrong. It's one of the best puzzle games in a while. Absolutely worth it just for the gameplay.
Sold! Game will be with me in 3-5 days 8). I trust Longo, absoutely nothing can go wrong in doing so.
Green_Lantern said:
I must be slow as shit, cause I'm apparently the only one who hasn't actually finished Bioshock Infinite...

I rented it and didn't finish it either, I actually was getting bored but it happened with the last two Bioshocks as well...

Infinites combat was getting in the way of the story
Kingdom's of Amalur sits on my shelf and laughs at me and 38 Studios each day. I loved the demo but I haven't had time to play the full game since it was given to me
You should post your opinion in the spoiler thread.

As for me, I started playing the PC version of Scribblenauts.

Since I never played it before, I am happy with my purchase. Enough said.
Longo_2_guns said:
You should post your opinion in the spoiler thread.

I will....I'm just still trying to figure that opinion out...

I'll be sticking to my 3DS and Vita for the next two weeks since ill be out of town.
Went back to the well, playing Suikoden V.

Really good so far, more politically engaging but very slow to start. Still, strong characters at the moment.
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