What are ya playing?

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Went out and got a MSX emulator so I could finally play the second Metal Gear, and after that I've been told I didn't have a childhood until I play Shining Force. So, that.
danielrbischoff said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Finished Injustice's story mode.

So, who wants to play me?
How far am I if I'm on Luthor.

It was way shorter than MK9's story mode. Honestly, that was one of the few things I was disappointed in. Story was... awesome. But too short.
I finished the story for Injustice yesterday. Stopped playing God of War 2 (I was only at the beginning) to play this. There is so much for me to do as in play Classic Battle mode with every character.

Indeed the story was short. I played it on hard mode and took me about 3-4 hours. The characters need more than just one finishing move. Some stuff made me laugh like adding subtitles where it wasn't needed

Also when Cyborg was "hacking"off with himself.
Green_Lantern said:
Green_Lantern said:
So Fire Emblem tips to not suck....Ready go.
Still waiting...
Sorry GL, I didn't see this at all.

Pair your characters up early. Everyone is more powerful if they're paired up with another character and their social links will level faster too.
Marrying a female MC with Chrom can yield some really powerful children.
Stay in groups. Even if you're paired up, additional bonuses are yielded for every additional unit. Two pairs working together can accomplish this rather easily.
If you draw a shitty stats increase early in the game, just restart the battle and roll again. Levels only come so often obviously, so make each count so your team is super powerful.
Level all the way to 20 in each class, even if you can use a second seal or gold seal to change the character class at 10. Some skills are only learned in levels 10-20 and you'll want every skill you can get.
Re-roll classes if you want to keep leveling (which should be obvious but saying it anyway).
Enjoy the grind, buy Reaping boxes if there's no one on the map. I would recommend one side-quest battle and one random encounter for every story chapter if you're playing on Normal.
Don't play on casual. Classic or you'll have to hand over your club card.
Green Arrow? He's fast, but hits soooo weakly. Like, Nightwing is faster and hits harder. GA needs a buff. If it wasn't for ice arrows, he'd be low tier.
Longo_2_guns said:
Green Arrow? He's fast, but hits soooo weakly. Like, Nightwing is faster and hits harder. GA needs a buff. If it wasn't for ice arrows, he'd be low tier.
You can be real cheap with GA just by shooting his arrows. Same with Batman and his grappling hook.
His regular arrows do next to no damage, though. So you have to reload. Plus, that's just basic zoning game. Block, jump/dash (preferably dash, because Injustice doesn't let you block in the air), repeat.

Someone should make a thread for this so we don't take up this one.
Playing Catherine, it's fun as fuck.

I'm at the Spiral corridor now, and I just keep getting massively annoyed at how dumb I'm being. I remember being stuck on a puzzle, I couldn't figure out a way to get to a spring block on the other side. I'm pushing and pulling blocks, getting rid of them trying to topple the tower etc etc. Until about 20 mins later I realise all I had to do was fucking hang all the way across.

Fun as hell though, and I'm being a good boy so I cant wait to see what being a bad boy does. I also let Archie die...and I think I can avoid that.
Soul Hackers and Pandora's Tower. I wonder if vegans and PETA will get up in arms against Pandora's Tower since you are forcing this girl to eat meat.
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