What are ya playing?

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Thanks to the recent Steam sale, I'm playing Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy again.

I also downloaded Fallout 2 off Steam, so I may be playing that again too.

Also playing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, which is super awesome.
Is Tomb Raider any good? I was thinking about buying that. It would have been a similar price I was offering Jonathan.
im grabbin tomb raider since its 24.99 not playing it till i grab an xbox controller though

definitely not a mouse and keyboard game for me.
Currently splitting my time out to Bioshock. I hate how on edge this game makes me. But that really says something for the ambience that they are able to create in the game.
So, I started up Blood Dragon, and was just getting over it being just 80's Far Cry 3 and really getting into it...

And then a tutorial decided to screw over my game by refusing to relinquish controls of my character when it was over, meaning I am literally stuck, unable to do anything but look around. It won't even let me go to the menu. And since it saved one second before the forced tutorial, there's absolutely nothing I can do except for replay the slooooooow first couple hours of the game.

Fucking. Great.
Crap. That sucks man... I didn't experience that at all in my tutorial sequence of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.

You're right though, the tutorial mission is a little bit painful to get through.

I've gotten into Star Wars: Battlefront II. I'm having fun playing single player instant action, filling the map up with 32 people/bots per side.

Being a Jedi though... kinda fun, sometimes ridiculous.
Sigh. Skyrim. So much skyrim. I can't put it down. I like it more this time than I did on my original play.
Going full retro as always and playing:

Tony Hawk 2
Tomb Raider: Last Revelation
Rival Schools: United By Fate
Soul Blade
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense
Metal Slug Anthology
MLB Power Pros 2008
MLB: The Show '06
Samurai Warriors 2

I usually go into a gaming binge whenever I'm studying hard, must be my system's way of balancing it out without going nuts.
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