What are ya playing?

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Affen, I bought the Undead Nightmare collection for RDR. So, we can shoot zombies whenever you want. Finished RDR's campaign and I actually enjoyed the last stand.

With my new laptop here, I might start playing some PC games or try recording me play a blind run of Shadow of the Colossus.
Festival-Temple said:

Wind Wakerrrrr!

Or Dragon Quest 8, since I've never actually been through a DQ game before.
You've shown me Ico, which was awesome - you're kind of like the channel I go to when I want to see 'games I've never played but want to'.

UghRochester said:
or try recording me play a blind run of Shadow of the Colossus.

Dooo it.

PS - I'm playing Dead Space 3...it is not scary. But the story is better than the 2nd. I like how we have a little "squad" now...a little like the first DS actually.
That's why I enjoyed ICO, Man, that game pissed me off at moments. Unfortunately, I had to watch a YouTube video to figure out how to swing from a chain.
UghRochester said:
Affen, I bought the Undead Nightmare collection for RDR. So, we can shoot zombies whenever you want.

Cool. Undead Overrun is a great gamemode, but there's not many players these days.

I'm at an intense grinding phase in Ni No Kuni. Finally I (maybe) have the team of familiars who I'll stick with to the end. Too bad the lovely witch at casino is reeling me in to waste time and money in blackjack.

I haven't played much other than Far Cry 3 lately. Finished the single player portion today. 25 hours total. I'm sure ill go back into the game now and again. Or maybe just restart it; it's not quite as fun goofing around when the enemies thin out.

Now I'm popping in random crappy games from the very bottom of my back catalogue, giving them a few minutes apiece and then ejecting them in disgust. Never play Dark Messiah Might and Magic Elements, you guys.

I'll probably get back into Hitman Absolution. It didn't really grab me when I started it in January, but I feel bad just abandoning it.

For the rest of tonight: Skate 3.
used44 said:
I'll probably get back into Hitman Absolution. It didn't really grab me when I started it in January, but I feel bad just abandoning it.

I feel the same way. I haven't played Hitman: Absolution since the end of last year, shortly after I got my Wii U. I need to get back into Absolution.

I finally finished Far Cry 3 (for PS3) and I was really happy with the game overall. I've only played the single player campaign though, yet to try co-op or multiplayer.

I also finished Spec Ops: The Line recently for PC, that was good too.

I returned my copy of Aliens: Colonial Marines (for PS3) back to EB Games and got myself a copy of Skyrim for PC as well as the Dragonborn DLC. I've also downloaded a bunch of MODs for it too. I picked up Ni no Kuni for the PS3 but I haven't played it yet, my brother is currently on it.

At the moment I'm focusing on The Walking Dead: Season 1 of the game for PS3, which I picked up while I was visiting America. I'm currently up to Episode 4. I am very happy with it so far. Looking forward to playing more of it tonight!
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