What are ya playing?

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WickedLiquid said:
Have a question for all you hardcore gamers.

Who has played Vanquish and how was it?

It's free on PS+ but I don't have any room left on my PS3 :( :( :( :( :(

I'm not sure if I should make space and download it or pass.
I love it.

Actually I'll probably be playing that while I download SFIV from PS+
Just finished Dead Space 3. It was better than the second. Way better. I enjoyed the last 4-5 chapters the most since it was the scariest part what with all the new discovery!

Now I'm just playing Minecraft and Trials until Bioshock comes out in a month...
Hearing about you two playing MK makes me sad. I just traded it in, it got me $13, considering I paid $18.50 and played the crap out of it. Not bad. But the money went towards some gaming headphones...because dangit, I'm tired of playing with subtitles.
danielrbischoff said:
WickedLiquid said:
Have a question for all you hardcore gamers.

Who has played Vanquish and how was it?

It's free on PS+ but I don't have any room left on my PS3 :( :( :( :( :(

I'm not sure if I should make space and download it or pass.
I love it.

Actually I'll probably be playing that while I download SFIV from PS+

Done. Got rid of Limbo :( but I can always redownload it.

And I hope you have a mic for SSFIV!
danielrbischoff said:
Kiristo said:
Path of Exile
Hey Kiristo! I haven't seen you around here since I first joined GR. Nick Tan and IntoTheRain is playing a ton of Path of Exile as well:
http://www.gamerevolution.com/forum/vie ... hp?t=27097

I'm pretty sure we've corresponded in similar what are you playing threads in the much more recent past. I've already posted in that thread, it's a very good game, and you can't beat the price!
Crysis 3 does have performance issues on pc. Amazingly, its caused by ropes
http://m.pcgamer.com/2013/02/25/crysis- ... ey-physics

There are also other problems in the game like improper tessellation, AA coverage not working correctly. ETC. And just to be clear Daniel the game does look beautiful from afar. But close inspection reveals a few bland textures and technologies not working correctly and a engine that isn't performing as it should.

Already finished the game. Was short. The story tried but was also strange at the same time. Levels felt really linear and confined and the few open levels still felt like you were only meant to go to one place(Other than the second to last level) End of the game they literally make you invincible most of the time with infinite ceph ammo. Oh yeah just for good measure here are gun robots all around to help you. Do I think this game is worth $60 No wait till its $40 or below(And they fix performance issues).

Now I gotta wait for Tomb Raider. Which will get
Gamepad Support
Very High Resolution Textures
Detail Tessellation to enhance the detail on many surfaces in the game
Higher quality shadows
High quality bokeh depth of field with near-blur
Tessellation algorithms used to smooth out geometry
Improved cloth, SSAO, quality wetness effects, and post-filter effects.
LOD quality is adjustable for better quality on higher-end machines.

If their engine can deliver and the story and gameplay are great Tomb Raider could be one of the best spring releases(Before its overshadowed by Bioshock Infinite.)
Assassin's Creed 3

It's pretty good so far. Not amazing, but fun nonetheless. It feels a little bit slow movement-wise, but that's okay.
Longo_2_guns said:
Assassin's Creed 3

It's pretty good so far. Not amazing, but fun nonetheless. It feels a little bit slow movement-wise, but that's okay.
The first 7 hours or so you're like trapped in this decrepit man's body. Once you get control of Connor you start to feel a lot faster.
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