What are ya playing?

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Festival-Temple said:
Ugh, that microphone is killing my eardrums and it's kinda hard to understand. Does the internal mic sound any better?
No, then it would echo way more!
Sourdeez said:
Can you only record at 480p. not 720p?
It's quite hard to explain my setup. I have the Roxio Game Capture Pro HD. I can use its software to record HD no problem, but LIVE streaming it, that won't be happening. It's more about upload speed than anything. I only know this, because I learned it from UrbanMasque.

Now, I'm not using Roxio's software to stream this, but I did use its capturing device. Roxio's software crashes so much even with my new laptop. Also, it only streams to Twitch. I used Adobe Flash Media Encoder and Ustream for live streaming. Unfortunately, Roxio's device has a codec that is not supported by FMLE. Luckily, I found out about XSplit, but that wouldn't solve my problem until I did further research. I discovered their new update supports Roxio's device and actually converts the codec to FME. I then was able to use to stream it to Ustream.

I can try streaming in 720p, but I think it won't work, since I have a basic Ustream account. I'll try testing it tomorrow.
Finished The Walking Dead: Season 1 and I thought it was amazing. I won't go through it again just yet, might wait a little while.

I can finally sit down and try out Ni no Kuni. :)
Dead Rising: Case West.

I was just pissing in the restroom urinal (AKA saving the game) and Frank took a photograph. He was standing behind me and I just heard the camera shutter and him go "Nice!"
used44 said:
Dead Rising: Case West.

I was just pissing in the restroom urinal (AKA saving the game) and Frank took a photograph. He was standing behind me and I just heard the camera shutter and him go "Nice!"
Dead Rising 2 was one of the super FML save situations. Did they fix that in Case West?
Nah it's all shitty. The same as it was in Dead Rising 1. Bathrooms that you have to memorize the locations of.

But, like Case Zero, Case West is a standalone dlc. So it's smaller and shorter. It seems a bit easier to find a bathroom and you get a free save after you finish a case.
Sourdeez said:
Crysis 3........ Im disagreeing with some reviews.

Are you disagreeing with them as in... it's better than they say it is, or not as good as they say it is?

I'm playing Crysis 3 as well, picked it up for PC. I'm kinda completely ignoring the main storyline. I have no idea what's going on and I don't really care. I'm just playing for the fun of it, 'cuz it is pretty fun.

What does annoy me though is how you need the cloak for stealth. If you for a moment turn off your cloak, there's a real good chance that an enemy (or every enemy, rather) will spot you - regardless of distance, the terrain that surrounds you etc (with the except of something big enough to cover your whole body, which sure makes sense).

Also it annoys me how some objects seem to have like, I dunno... an invisible edge around it. So you go to shoot an arrow at a dude and then the arrow kinda gets stuck at the object, but not ON the object, it just looks like it's stuck in mid-air.

I do agree with the GR review of Crysis 3. As much fun as the Predator Bow is, it's a little "too" bad ass. One shot kill, quick reload, different kinds of arrows (explosive, or electrical to fry enemies in water) and the fact you don't decloak or drain much energy at all when firing? It's pretty haxx... won't stop me from using it though. :P
Im not sure if I think it should have gotten such great reviews.

Id really like to finish the game before I give it full judgment. I do play games for story but I also respect technical prowess from a engine.

Ive had enemies see me uncloaked from half way across a map even when I was crouched down behind a large object. Yet the AI can be downright stupid at the same time. As for the bow I try to never use it because its so OP.
Finally beat several games, Dishonored, New Super Mario Bros on the DS. Looking at the backlog now. Probably going to start Mass Effect this weekend.
Have a question for all you hardcore gamers.

Who has played Vanquish and how was it?

It's free on PS+ but I don't have any room left on my PS3 :( :( :( :( :(

I'm not sure if I should make space and download it or pass.
WickedLiquid said:
Have a question for all you hardcore gamers.

Who has played Vanquish and how was it?

It's OK. Story sucks, but the gameplay is pretty fun. It's a Platinum game - so that should explain some things? If it's free I say get it. If you dont like it - delete it.
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