What are ya playing?

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So my new 3DS XL will be getting here today and Amazon hasn't shipped my copy of Fire Emblem. I may just cancel that and download it digitally.

I just want Fire Emblem.
My review copy was digital too. I like having a few games with me at all times. The other game I have from the eShop is New Super Mario Bros 2 because it's so replayable. Enjoy your XL!
What color did you get?
You should. I don't like the plain red, so I went with blue, but really I wish I had this 3DS XL--
The Witcher 2

I put Skyrim on and Dead Island on hold because I ended up getting too wrapped up in this fantabulous game. I also have Max Payne 3 for the 360 here unplayed and I think unopened since getting it for Christmas.
Retro City Rampage. It was fun at first, but way too repetitive. References are funny, but there's wasted potential in the gameplay.

Jetpack Joyride. Suprised to see it was free on PSN. Way too addictive, played to level 9 in one sitting. Just a couple tries more..

And finally Ni No Kuni! Only at the very beginning, but very promising so far. What a beautiful game. I just need some time to get used to the battle system. Potential GOTY for me.
We should get another Red Dead Redemption community playdate going again on PS3. That was fun getting my ass kicked by Affen.
I am so down for an RDR playdate.

I know I said that last time, and a bunch of other times regarding GR stuff, but life popped up and got busy.

NEXT WEEK! Pick a night, any night, as long as it's a week night! And I promise I'll be on.
WickedLiquid said:
I am so down for an RDR playdate.

I know I said that last time, and a bunch of other times regarding GR stuff, but life popped up and got busy.

NEXT WEEK! Pick a night, any night, as long as it's a week night! And I promise I'll be on.
Tuesday? I'm usually on in the mornings (days I work) which would be like 3AM for you.
Just finished Bastion. Awesome game. 5/5.

Just started a new XCOM game using the developer names cheat. The Sid Meier soldier is kick ass. Going to start on The Witcher once it finishes downloading.
Green_Lantern said:
Affen said:
I just need some time to get used to the battle system.

At the beginning I found it easiest to just run around and cast with Oliver rather than use my Familiars.

That's the way I played at the start. Thank god for iced coffee. Still trying to get more familiar (hue hue) with the battle system. Having a partner now helps a lot.

Still really loving the game. The towns are so damn beautiful and it feels like a grand version of Dragon Quest IX which is in my books a really good thing. Purrfect!
loving path of exile for the 2 hours ive played it so far.

doesnt have the combat diablo 3 does, but it has everything else it doesnt.

awesome skill tree, locked into builds so you dont play one character forever, cool itemization, no auction house ruining the game, great atmosphere, awesome music, i could go on.

i hope it keeps up.
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