What are ya playing?

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Dragon's Dogma

I like the game a lot, but I really, really, REALLY regret not making my pawn a big scary black guy. Because everyone made their pawn like mine.
Dungeons of Dredmor, so worth the few bucks spent on it. Bowiemancer communist pirate of Odin while worshipping the Egyptian gods and the magnificent profession of a banking tourist.
Currently playing Far Cry 3. I concur with used44 - it is so lovely.

I also finished the new DmC - Devil May Cry game. I honestly think it is the best Devil May Cry game I have ever played.

And I'm sort of on and off with Hitman: Absolution.
Been playing a lot of Skyrim recently, as well as Sleeping Dogs. My roommate has been playing a lot of AC3, and man, am I tired of hearing Bart Simpson's laugh as he runs around Boston.
Been playing a lot of NHL, Persona 4 Arena, and Modern Warfare 2's Special Ops.

Also, Mario Party for the DS with the boys...thinking I might buy a DS and join in the fun.
Since my roommate but his old Wii out in the living room I've been replaying a lot of classics off his impressive collection. I've been playing...

-Punch Out
-Blades of Steel
-Battletoads (Fuck that game on two player)

-Link to the Past
-Super Mario RPG
-Super Meteriod

-Wave Race 64
-Majora's Mask
Nice work Wicked, I could play the shit out of some Goldeneye multiplayer right now.

Still on DmC. Currently going through Son of Sparda difficulty, it's a bit of a ballache but not too bad yet. I love love LOVE the nightclub level in this game.!
Metal Gear Solid. It's hard! Also felt like an idiot when I realized it remembers codec numbers automatically, so I didn't need to write them all down.
I'm enjoying P4 Arena. After the initial eye-rolling in the story mode, I've actually been impressed with its resolution. That being said, I spent a good deal of time just reading/listening to the story.

The battle system has its ins and outs. It's not quite as easy to grasp as say MK but it's not as complex as SF4.
I've got my roommie hooked on PS3 and I'm hooked on his Wii/Virtual Console. He started playing Heavy Rain and was up till 6am lol.

I'm going to give Skyward Sword a crack since I've never played it. Was playing Ghosts and Goblins for a bit. Then had to stop after dying 500 times and wanting to smash something.
I picked up Ni No Kumi yesterday (which I've yet to play, I bought it for my brother and his girlfriend) and I also picked up a copy of Spec Ops: The Line for PC.

I'm really enjoying Spec Ops. It's fun to play, graphics are phenominal as is the voice acting and overall presentation. The storyline is really intense too.
Festival-Temple said:
Metal Gear Solid. It's hard! Also felt like an idiot when I realized it remembers codec numbers automatically, so I didn't need to write them all down.

God I wish I was playing that for the first time again.

It took me forever to figure out Meryl's codec number.
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