What are ya playing?

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I just finally played through Sleeping Dogs 'Nightmare in Northpoint' add-on. It took me about two hours. It was weird, but kind of funny I guess. Mostly though it just reminded me what a solid game Sleeping Dogs is.
Breath of Fire's saving system is strange. That reminds me that I abandoned the first BoF game that I posted I was playing, because... well, it's really annoying. I'm seriously thinking I'll just watch a playthrough at some point and then start BoF II myself, see if that goes any better.

Currently cycling between TWEWY and Professor Layton and the Last Specter. Also, Mario Kart 7, always. I don't know if I'll make a lot of progress in TWEWY, but it's pretty pretty and made me love it from the beginning. Prof Layton I should finish fairly soon, minus the extra puzzles that I'll save for later, and London Life, which could probably go on forever.
More Kotor II, still on the Mining Station.

danielrbischoff said:
I didn't finish The World Ends With You, though I really should.

You still should. Joshua in the air kicks everybody's ass and is the best partner by far.

And at least get the Dark Planet set, then you could just cruise to the end.

Super Mario Galaxy, 94 stars and wrapped up the Spire Daredevil run on the Molten Rock planet for The Garden.
Can speed through most of it but such a pain to die by a misstep and restart the damnable thing all over again.

Dreadnaught Secret Star is up next and then everything else is cake.
I loved The Walking Dead so much so I started Jurassic Park: The Game (which I've had on the shelf for half a year) because why not.

Wow, it is... not good.

To be fair, I'm only thru the prologue and the first chapter, but it's really obvious not good – especially compared to TWD. It is actually getting better. And I'm getting more used to the controls and the inputs and what they're trying to accomplish. There are some big problems though. The audio will drop out or fuck up pretty often, which is pretty dumb for a game centered on dialogue.

Most importantly, I haven't encountered or controlled a single likeable character. So, so poorly written and acted. Such a change from TWD.
Second day playing with speedrun techniques. Results are positive! Me, Sightless, Matt, and somebody else are planning an OoT Race to Puberty to all start the same time and see who can make Link an adult first. Here's hoping I can still do that nonsense when the pressure's on.
used44 said:
I loved The Walking Dead so much so I started Jurassic Park: The Game (which I've had on the shelf for half a year) because why not.

Wow, it is... not good.

To be fair, I'm only thru the prologue and the first chapter, but it's really obvious not good – especially compared to TWD. It is actually getting better. And I'm getting more used to the controls and the inputs and what they're trying to accomplish. There are some big problems though. The audio will drop out or fuck up pretty often, which is pretty dumb for a game centered on dialogue.

Most importantly, I haven't encountered or controlled a single likeable character. So, so poorly written and acted. Such a change from TWD.

I know that the Sam and Max games are pretty good and funny. Don't expect it to be as serious as TWD.
UPS finally decided to deliver Ni No Kuni...Haven't gotten past the menu screen yet but damn I already want the soundtrack.
Saw you on there. I think that's the first time in ages...

Persona Arena, my wife cannot make enough fun of me right now. Persona's writers are amazing but you have to get where it's being written from to enjoy it. Weirdest story mode because it's 8 mins of Persona-esque dialogue followed by some insanely fast combat.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Persona Arena, my wife cannot make enough fun of me right now. Persona's writers are amazing but you have to get where it's being written from to enjoy it. Weirdest story mode because it's 8 mins of Persona-esque dialogue followed by some insanely fast combat.
I love that game, but I wish I was better at the actual gameplay. The amount of story content is insane, I felt like Mortal Kombat did a better job of teaching the player how to fight WITH a highly entertaining story.

Still, I've gotta go back and play more of it now that I've actually beaten P4G.
I started playing that, got to the first fight on Protag's line, and then decided it was easier for my sanity to just skip the dialogue.

Some of it was, well, rather cringeworthy. Not as bad as Marie in P4G, but pretty bad.
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