What are ya playing?

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For some reason Ive been wanting to replay through the mass effect trilogy with new saves. call me crazy.

At least there is texmod

Spent some money on PSN store and got Crash Bandicoot 2 and Oddworld: Strangers Wrath.

I beat Crash in one sitting. I'll maybe return to collect few gems.

Strangers Wrath seems interesting. I like the Western theme, but so far very little platforming and a lot of shooting/fighting - a thing which makes me dislike most modern 3d platformers. I'll see how it goes on from here.

and Undead Nightmare for RDR. Chaotic fun on- and offline.
Played through Halo 4 co-op with my buddy.

It was good and fun, but waaaaay too short and the plot was absolute shit. Like, Halo has never really been the pinnacle of amazing stories or storytelling, but this is an all-time low.
Picked up Skyrim again... Goddamn its still awesome. Built me a house. Waiting for the inevitable greatest ever since last greatest ever version to release with all of the DLC...
Using my Christmas money, I picked up:

- Dragon Age 2
- Bulletstorm (My last copy was unfortunately stolen last year)
- 3000 Microsoft points, with which I bought:
- Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
- Jill and Shuma-Gorath for UMvC3
- Both costume packs for Resident Evil 5
- Gamer Picture Pack 1 for Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.
Odin Sphere, looks and sounds amazing but lag when the action gets hectic and unsurprisingly hard as hell. Wrapped up the Snowy Mountains with the essential Freeze Ring.
Started a MASSIVE game of Civ 5 yesterday. Marathon game length on a massive map.

On turn 665 of 1500, I think I'm winning.

Green_Lantern said:
Started a MASSIVE game of Civ 5 yesterday. Marathon game length on a massive map.

Won with a science victory at around turn 1010 and like 20 hours....crazy to think a single game of Civ can last longer than a bunch of full length games out there.
Recently beat Bioshock, Mafia, and Mafia 2. Making a concerted effort to get through my backlog while I actually have time to do so. Now I'm working on Arkham City, as well as Driver San Francisco and Tropico 4.
I just started the last mission of XCOM, even though I think I'm not commanding a super strong squad. I have:

- Col. Fiona Campbell, Scotland - An expert sniper
- Col. Katie Wilson, UK - An extremely badass psi-assault chick "The Volunteer"
- Col. Kwasi Kuumba, Nigeria - A really good medic who has been on 90% of all missions since acquiring him as a Captain.
- Col. Ari Meir, Israel - my most recently promoted colonel. Good at suppression, I guess.
- Maj. Semeynova, Russia - A heavy who is new to the team (picked her up in Russia just a few missions ago, but she's gifted, so she's coming)
- Maj. Victor Remy, Russia - a relatively inexperienced assault guy who is replacing Shotsy Matsuda who died a few months ago. She wasn't very special anyway.


So my heavy could be a really weak spot. I just never found one who i was very succesful with until her. But oh well. I saved before starting. And I'm willing to make sacrifices.

I really cannot wait to start my second playthrough.
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