What are ya playing?

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Guan_Yu said:
I'm playing Fallout 2 for the first time. Almost done with it, made it to level 21 last night and got some bitchin' power armor for my character and his party (Sulik, Vic, and Cassidy for life). Pretty awesome game, even thought it really tried my patience at first. Not as much as Fallout 1 did, but still, I didn't like it for a while. Almost gave up on it but trudged through, somewhere around New Reno I started really liking it again. I'm sorry Fallout please come back I didn't mean it. Oh you can't leave because you are just software installed on my computer? So you claim.

That was my favorite fallout. If you decide to try play back through it consider that you could have gotten that power armor and some bad ass weapons at the very beginning the whole game is pretty much open from the start. Just remeber where places were and head west. I had a gauss pistol within the first 1 hour of play. One of the things I tend to do with RPGs is play for like 3-5 hours in the first play through and then reset my character. That's how I found that you can head straight over to the one city with the shop tables sitting out and you simply steal and run for dear life. Same with the random encounters on the way there.
shandog137 said:
Guan_Yu said:
I'm playing Fallout 2 for the first time. Almost done with it, made it to level 21 last night and got some bitchin' power armor for my character and his party (Sulik, Vic, and Cassidy for life). Pretty awesome game, even thought it really tried my patience at first. Not as much as Fallout 1 did, but still, I didn't like it for a while. Almost gave up on it but trudged through, somewhere around New Reno I started really liking it again. I'm sorry Fallout please come back I didn't mean it. Oh you can't leave because you are just software installed on my computer? So you claim.

That was my favorite fallout. If you decide to try play back through it consider that you could have gotten that power armor and some bad ass weapons at the very beginning the whole game is pretty much open from the start. Just remeber where places were and head west. I had a gauss pistol within the first 1 hour of play. One of the things I tend to do with RPGs is play for like 3-5 hours in the first play through and then reset my character. That's how I found that you can head straight over to the one city with the shop tables sitting out and you simply steal and run for dear life. Same with the random encounters on the way there.
I just beat it tonight, a very fun, although very outdated experience. I know exactly what you are talking about with that easy power armor, as soon as I learned about that I went to San Francisco immediately and got the quest that enabled me to get it. A world of difference after that. Once I found power armor for the rest of my party and some good energy weapons, the game was pretty much broken and I could kill almost anything that came my way in one turn. While I definitely enjoyed it more that Fallout 1, I can't say it's my favorite. New Vegas still holds that place in my heart. The originals are good, but man are they rudimentary, and that can get really frustrating. However, given their age they are still fantastic games, and if you have some time and patience, I would definitely recommend giving them a shot.
Guan_Yu said:
shandog137 said:
Guan_Yu said:
I'm playing Fallout 2 for the first time. Almost done with it, made it to level 21 last night and got some bitchin' power armor for my character and his party (Sulik, Vic, and Cassidy for life). Pretty awesome game, even thought it really tried my patience at first. Not as much as Fallout 1 did, but still, I didn't like it for a while. Almost gave up on it but trudged through, somewhere around New Reno I started really liking it again. I'm sorry Fallout please come back I didn't mean it. Oh you can't leave because you are just software installed on my computer? So you claim.

That was my favorite fallout. If you decide to try play back through it consider that you could have gotten that power armor and some bad ass weapons at the very beginning the whole game is pretty much open from the start. Just remeber where places were and head west. I had a gauss pistol within the first 1 hour of play. One of the things I tend to do with RPGs is play for like 3-5 hours in the first play through and then reset my character. That's how I found that you can head straight over to the one city with the shop tables sitting out and you simply steal and run for dear life. Same with the random encounters on the way there.
I just beat it tonight, a very fun, although very outdated experience. I know exactly what you are talking about with that easy power armor, as soon as I learned about that I went to San Francisco immediately and got the quest that enabled me to get it. A world of difference after that. Once I found power armor for the rest of my party and some good energy weapons, the game was pretty much broken and I could kill almost anything that came my way in one turn. While I definitely enjoyed it more that Fallout 1, I can't say it's my favorite. New Vegas still holds that place in my heart. The originals are good, but man are they rudimentary, and that can get really frustrating. However, given their age they are still fantastic games, and if you have some time and patience, I would definitely recommend giving them a shot.

After 3 years of contempt for game breaking glitches I have started New Vegas over this week. No terrible glitches as of yet but the game was such a fun game that it made the glitches that much worse. Focusing on speech, repair, science, and lockpick in the early stages as I am only level 5 so don't need the guns yet. Fun indeed...when it is working right. Figured I wouold try to finish it one more time, I got 75% there last time before numerous glitches lead to an allout boycott on my part. Haven't seen much this fall that has me excited. Waiting for dishonored in a few weeks.
Persona 4, mid-November, and cleaning up social links, although I'm running way out of time. 5 for Fortune, 7 for Temp, 4 for Lovers and 3-4 for Emperor.
I don't know. I had most of my stats capped, went to the TV twice or trice when a new dungeon came up (Raining) and only once for Heaven, did S.L. practically every day when I wasn't working on dungeon spelunking or fishing for the cat, and used Personas that corresponded to the link I'd be working on at that time.
shandog137 said:
After 3 years of contempt for game breaking glitches I have started New Vegas over this week. No terrible glitches as of yet but the game was such a fun game that it made the glitches that much worse. Focusing on speech, repair, science, and lockpick in the early stages as I am only level 5 so don't need the guns yet. Fun indeed...when it is working right. Figured I wouold try to finish it one more time, I got 75% there last time before numerous glitches lead to an allout boycott on my part. Haven't seen much this fall that has me excited. Waiting for dishonored in a few weeks.
I love New Vegas too much. I can't count how many games I've stopped playing to go back to the Mojave Wasteland, but it's a lot. In fact, it's the next game I plan on playing. Luckily I've never experienced game-breaking glitches, what version of the game do you have? I only played it on 360, but I'm about to start a game on PC for the first time this weekend.
HK-47 said:
I don't know. I had most of my stats capped, went to the TV twice or trice when a new dungeon came up (Raining) and only once for Heaven, did S.L. practically every day when I wasn't working on dungeon spelunking or fishing for the cat, and used Personas that corresponded to the link I'd be working on at that time.
Here's a protip for the next playthrough. Finish Yosuke and strength, Ai, and hanged man early on, only do moon on rainy days or when there's nothing else, but run through your team during the summer. Get the people you plan to use and Rise to max as your priority. I personally do kanji and yukiko.

But yeah, summer. Do it all in summer.
Guan_Yu said:
I love New Vegas too much. I can't count how many games I've stopped playing to go back to the Mojave Wasteland, but it's a lot. In fact, it's the next game I plan on playing. Luckily I've never experienced game-breaking glitches, what version of the game do you have? I only played it on 360, but I'm about to start a game on PC for the first time this weekend.

Sweet, I actually reinstalled the game yesterday. Are you going to mod the shit out of it?
If you just got the PC version, get New Vegas script extender and the unofficial patch after you patch it. I have played 100 some hours without major incident.
Longo_2_guns said:
HK-47 said:
I don't know. I had most of my stats capped, went to the TV twice or trice when a new dungeon came up (Raining) and only once for Heaven, did S.L. practically every day when I wasn't working on dungeon spelunking or fishing for the cat, and used Personas that corresponded to the link I'd be working on at that time.
Here's a protip for the next playthrough. Finish Yosuke and strength, Ai, and hanged man early on, only do moon on rainy days or when there's nothing else, but run through your team during the summer. Get the people you plan to use and Rise to max as your priority. I personally do kanji and yukiko.

But yeah, summer. Do it all in summer.

Always finish Yosuke quickly; Strength I didn't even finish the first time and the second time around Summer; Ai was... whenever she wanted to talk to me. Screwed hers up with a Friendship ending. Hanged Man I just finished recently.
Maxed Rise quickly the first time around and Summer, makes me wonder who I worked on then. And always have Yukiko in my party to the point where she's keeping level with Narukami. Usually Kanji or Yosuke (Always had a lack of wind skills, especially hit-all ones the first time around) fill up the other places but had Naoto for the duration of Heaven until the boss, so glorious.

And learned from another folly; always check what a skill does. Got Ziodyne and Thunder Reign on Thor and traded out Maziodyne for the latter on a Skill Bonus day, thinking Thunder Reign was a hit-all thunder skill.

I'll bookmark this so I'll remember it on the inevitable replay, thank you Divine Longo!
So anyways back to video games.....

Still playing Borderlands 2, love playing as Maya but next playthrough I think I'm going to be the Gunzerker because I heard Zero isn't all that great and since I played as Roland in the first game I have little motivation to play as Axton. Though I wish the DLC character was released already.

To go back to Fallout New Vegas when I played FO3 and FONV I didn't understand how the game worked and the mechanics so I wasn't able to really enjoy the game. Same happened with Oblivion and all of those games I thought were good but just too complicated for me to get sucked in. That's why I loved Skyrim so much because I finally understood how the mechanics, leveling, and skills worked to where my character didn't suck and I could actually do stuff. Next time there's a draught in the market I'm going to go back to either FO3 or NV and replay now that I understand how Betheseda's RPGs work. RPGs like that are hard to get into if you suck and have a learning curve (for me at least) but I like that because when I became awesome in Skyrim I felt way more accomplish because I felt it was harder to reach than being good in a shooter. Though which should be replayed cause I won't have to do both: FO3 or NV?
Delorean88 said:
So anyways back to video games.....

Still playing Borderlands 2, love playing as Maya but next playthrough I think I'm going to be the Gunzerker because I heard Zero isn't all that great and since I played as Roland in the first game I have little motivation to play as Axton. Though I wish the DLC character was released already.

To go back to Fallout New Vegas when I played FO3 and FONV I didn't understand how the game worked and the mechanics so I wasn't able to really enjoy the game. Same happened with Oblivion and all of those games I thought were good but just too complicated for me to get sucked in. That's why I loved Skyrim so much because I finally understood how the mechanics, leveling, and skills worked to where my character didn't suck and I could actually do stuff. Next time there's a draught in the market I'm going to go back to either FO3 or NV and replay now that I understand how Betheseda's RPGs work. RPGs like that are hard to get into if you suck and have a learning curve (for me at least) but I like that because when I became awesome in Skyrim I felt way more accomplish because I felt it was harder to reach than being good in a shooter. Though which should be replayed cause I won't have to do both: FO3 or NV?

New Vegas is better. Also I have a level 34 Zero and he's quite fun.
HK-47 said:
I'll bookmark this so I'll remember it on the inevitable replay, thank you Divine Longo!
I have beaten Persona 4 so hard it's not even funny. I even made an invincible Helel. But yeah, focus on getting ultimate personas for the team you plan on using so that they null their element and lose their weakness.

And yeah, New Vegas is better. Honestly, it's one of the best RPGs this gen by far. Really, all you need to do to be really powerful is get melee weapons, speech, and hacking/lockpicking to max. Beyond that, just have fun with it.
Delorean88 said:
So anyways back to video games.....

Still playing Borderlands 2, love playing as Maya but next playthrough I think I'm going to be the Gunzerker because I heard Zero isn't all that great and since I played as Roland in the first game I have little motivation to play as Axton. Though I wish the DLC character was released already.

To go back to Fallout New Vegas when I played FO3 and FONV I didn't understand how the game worked and the mechanics so I wasn't able to really enjoy the game. Same happened with Oblivion and all of those games I thought were good but just too complicated for me to get sucked in. That's why I loved Skyrim so much because I finally understood how the mechanics, leveling, and skills worked to where my character didn't suck and I could actually do stuff. Next time there's a draught in the market I'm going to go back to either FO3 or NV and replay now that I understand how Betheseda's RPGs work. RPGs like that are hard to get into if you suck and have a learning curve (for me at least) but I like that because when I became awesome in Skyrim I felt way more accomplish because I felt it was harder to reach than being good in a shooter. Though which should be replayed cause I won't have to do both: FO3 or NV?

Depends if you're going to mod them or not. Otherwise, I'd go with New Vegas.
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