Weirdest thing you've seen today

Welp... saw a domestic violence scene happen in my building. Some drunk girl refused to leave this neighbor's unit then a fight issued, mostly yelling but they had to drag her by the hair out into the hallway. The entire building was watching from the stairs. 20 minutes later, we decided to call the cops. They kicked the girl out but she kept coming back to the building cause she didn't have her purse... that could never be found. So they arrested her.

...Oh and i think i saw a blue falcon today too! Just some of the weird things you see in downtown SF...

The video's not weird, it's epic. The weird thing is the involuntary groan I made when I read numerous comments that pointed out exactly what happened in the video as if nobody realized it after the commentators practically spelled it out for everyone.

It sounded like this, "ehhaugheh."
A power failure struck only the lower floor of our house last night, and it must've happened at 12am on the button, because the stove clock is blinking, with the correct time.

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