Uh-oh! Religion debate!

Yay, religious life story time.

I am an atheist. To be more specific, agnostic atheist, like the majorities of atheists out there. Also, just a fyi, being agnostic atheist doesn't mean you sit on the fence. It means that you do not believe in God but acknowledge the fact that a creator is a possibility. In terms of belief there is no "I don't know" You either believe or you do not. If you believe in a creator but acknowledge that he/she/it may not exist, then you are an agnostic thiest. Teapot in space and stuff, you know? If you don't know look up Russell's teapot.

As a child I was raised as a christian. My uncle is a pastor, and my family was involved with the church a lot when I was younger. I went to church every week with my family, and went to sunday school sunday morning. Went to bible study every wednesday for a couple years.

When I was young I didn't think much of religion, God was the creator and there was a heaven and hell. I didn't question it because I was raised as to that being how things were. I cannot blame my parents for not giving me a choice because if I honestly did believe in a religion where we could be condemned for an eternity if we did not worship a deity, I would introduce my children into it so I could get the best for them.

Sometime during my middle school years I started to question religion. This seems about right because based on the psychology classes I took in college, a human's brain starts to get a firm grasp on abstract thought around the age of 12. I remember thinking things like "If God wants the best for us, why would be condemn us to hell?" The answer I got from my family is that he doesn't want us to go to hell, but satan does. I'll spare the details, but this whole thing eventually led me to start comparing God to a santa claus for adults. It all felt like something invented by a man a long time ago to keep society in check. Just how santa claus was invented by our parents to ensure we didn't get into too much trouble. I kept these feelings to myself for a while because of my family.

However as they years went on, I just got more mad every time I went to church. As I learned more about science, the more silly religion came to be. I eventually started to refuse to go to church. My mom asked me why and I told her "I just cannot bring myself to believe in God." She was shocked and mad for like a second, but didn't really say much after I gave her my reasons. Of course my uncle called me, trying to get me on their side, but the conversation ended with him just saying something along the lines of "You just have to find your own path. Hopefully it will end with God."

I also haven't had a mentor in my life since I was a little child, so I have been mostly on my own for a while. Because of this I would really like to believe in some sort of religion, I want the comfort in knowing that there is someone always watching me and someone that I can turn to when my chips are down. The idea that there is nothing after death isn't comforting either. However, I cannot blindly believe in something that has no evidence of its existence and is essentially based off a book that is basically documented hearsay.

And that is all I really have to say about religion. I don't hate it, I just don't believe in it.
ITT People who think labeling themselves atheist will make them appear more intelligent.

I think just about everyone on the internet is atheist these days.
De-Ting said:
UglykitteN said:
De-Ting said:
...we uphold chastity.

I'm betting you aren't a virgin by choice.
As much as I yearn to get my freak on, I've seen enough negative effects of not being chaste to take the law to heart. So yes, I am a virgin by choice.

I'm not trying to be too preachy about it, but it's easy to see that not whoring yourself out is much safer than whoring yourself out.

Just accept that you've been unsuccessful getting somewhere with women for so long that it's easier to say it's your choice based on some bullshit values. The dangers of whoring yourself out huh... you know there's clinics these days that can fix most problems should you be unlucky and contract something.

I'll stop being a prick now.
Krowsnose said:
Just accept that you've been unsuccessful getting somewhere with women for so long that it's easier to say it's your choice based on some bullshit values. The dangers of whoring yourself out huh... you know there's clinics these days that can fix most problems should you be unlucky and contract something.

I'll stop being a prick now.
Well, as much as you think you have it all figured out, you're wrong. I've made the choice. Growing up, I had girlfriends from kindergarten through high school. I would have had no trouble acquiring some tail, but I intentionally kept myself off the market. Besides, underage sex can cause psychological problems, such as an inability to maintain a lasting relationship.

You've made your choices, and I've made mine. I'd appreciate it if you didn't crap all over me.
i worship hinkles, the spam meat god. i mean come on, spam has to come from some where? whats it made from? why does it taste like no other animal on earth? why is it canned so differently from everything else? why does no one want to eat it but yet it is still on the shelves? spam. truly the invention of a devious god.

also, Christianity, Hindu, Buddhism, and all those other religions are a joke. only my god exists, and no one else. and there is proof of his existence. all hail hinkles!
Jeez, it's common sense. At some point their mom calls the cops and gets the law involved. But who really wants a long term relationship with a kid?
That's not really that much. I mean, I can see the not being able to stabilize a relationship, but there's more causes than that.
True, but (now don't act totally flabbergasted when I say this) I guess you could compare it to underage drinking. It can cause problems, and that's reason enough for me to keep to my standards, including chastity. From a religious standpoint, I've been taught to avoid anything that can be seriously harmful like that. Also, there's good reasons why these things are illegal.

Thanks for listening.
de-ting is gonna be our virgin we all try to get laid. quick. everyone try to hook him up with failures after failures all for him to find true love on his own, much like a hollywood comedy.
De-Ting said:

That's one example. Do you want me to say more? I'd like to leave it at that, though, if nobody minds.

That is really off from the statement you made which a source was asked for but thanks for at least trying to back your statement up!
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
also, Christianity, Hindu, Buddhism, and all those other religions are a joke. only my god exists, and no one else. and there is proof of his existence. all hail hinkles!

Buddhism is a religion without a god.
lokness said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
also, Christianity, Hindu, Buddhism, and all those other religions are a joke. only my god exists, and no one else. and there is proof of his existence. all hail hinkles!

Buddhism is a religion without a god.

Mostly! But like any well established religion it comes in many flavors.
Krowsnose said:
ITT People who think labeling themselves atheist will make them appear more intelligent.

I think just about everyone on the internet is atheist these days.

For sure man. There are far too many people who claim to be Atheist simply because they think it's hip.

There is just WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much about the universe that we simply don't know to claim there is no God. And since nothing can be proven in absolute terms then ANYTHING is possible.

But since nothing can be proven, people believe in what they think is right. Some people just need something to believe in, even if that belief is nothing!


Is this a photograph or an artist conception?
That was a rhetorical question...

Science is progress, I don't disagree with that. But there's a difference between discovering something new about our planet (such as gravity) and claiming we understand how the universe began.

If the Universe is as big as we think it is, if it's infinite, then it is beyond human comprehension. And therefore nobody really knows anything, we just believe.

So any theory is as good as mine and we should just stop trying to prove each other wrong.
WickedLiquid said:
If the Universe is as big as we think it is, if it's infinite, then it is beyond human comprehension. And therefore nobody really knows anything, we just believe.

So any theory is as good as mine and we should just stop trying to prove each other wrong.

Sure, the size of our universe is on a scale that humans cannot relate to but it certainly is not beyond what we can comprehend. Our understanding of the universe is not shaky or slapped together, it is a model that incorporates a large portion of what we observe. We have no "perfect" model. Classical physics predicts almost all of the observations we make but it fails at the quantum level. It's a great model but not a perfect one. Similarly, the current model of our universe explains and predicts a great portion of what we observe out there but not everything (ie. Dark matter, dark energy).

Saying all this, we need to never stop trying to prove theories wrong. It is the basis of science; we cannot prove a theory correct but we can prove a theory incorrect. If a theoriy/model cannot stand up against scrutiny, it is not a full theory and must be changed or thrown out.

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