The People Speak Week 3: Game of the Year

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OMG, how could I forget Heavy Rain? The game had some problems when trying to walk but I tip my hat to it for trying something new and delivering an interactive movie experience.

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
WickedLiquid said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Personally, no game that is a freakin' sequel deserves game of the year. There's nothing new about it, just a continuation of an older game, regardless of how good it is.

What about...

Resident Evil 4
Grand Theft Auto 3
Street Fighter 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Doom 3

Let me edit that to "no game that is a freakin' sequel this year."

But it's not a horrible game. It's such a different way to approach a game (all QTEs, not original just different). It could've been better executed in a some areas.
LinksOcarina said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Let me edit that to "no game that is a freakin' sequel this year."
Yeah, this I can agree with.

I can't, since we had a few sequels that were good, like Galaxy 2 and Mass Effect 2.
While they were both good, GOTY they are not.

There are only two sequels that I would even consider CLOSE to GOTY, which is funny because both of them are rather loose sequels rather than direct. MGS: Peace Walker and Fallout: New Vegas. Peace Walker, especially, was one of the most innovative and creative games, especially in the stealth action genre, of the last few years, and honestly deserves TONS more praise than it got. New Vegas was also good, but even that isn't GOTY quality.
Peacewalker is also on the PSP, which I think only two people own now.

Although I plan on getting one soon for Tactics Ogre....

New Vegas I agree with, hell I think Obsidian did a great job at improving what Fallout 3 made.

I still say Mass Effect 2 wins it though via narrative and presentation.
Longo_2_guns said:
LinksOcarina said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Let me edit that to "no game that is a freakin' sequel this year."
Yeah, this I can agree with.

I can't, since we had a few sequels that were good, like Galaxy 2 and Mass Effect 2.
While they were both good, GOTY they are not.

There are only two sequels that I would even consider CLOSE to GOTY, which is funny because both of them are rather loose sequels rather than direct. MGS: Peace Walker and Fallout: New Vegas. Peace Walker, especially, was one of the most innovative and creative games, especially in the stealth action genre, of the last few years, and honestly deserves TONS more praise than it got. New Vegas was also good, but even that isn't GOTY quality.
Wow but not red dead redemption? that was a loose sequel as well.
I would hardly call that a sequel, considering the only thing it had in common with Revolver was the name and the fact that they're westerns. So I don't consider it as such.

It's definitely GOTY material though.
I just beat Heavy Rain earlier this week, and I was immensely impressed. GOTY though? No.

I wish I played Super Mario Galaxy 2. I loved the first one so much, but unfortunately I didn't get a chance. Probably the only reason I have for regretting selling my Wii.

My GOTY is God of War 3. Shit me that game is good. Seriously, it's incredible. Although it is a sequel, it's still the best game I've played this year.

If I had to pick an original title, I'd say Heavy Rain. Mostly because almost every game I have for PS3 is a sequel (only Brutal Legend and Uncharted aren't).
I have a new one!

Katawa Shoujo

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