The People Speak Week 12: Predicting 2011

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Do you realize that we're almost to the end of March and we've already had some pretty massive game changers? Guitar Hero was canceled, Harmonix was sold, some other stuff happened.

What we're really interested in is what's GOING to happen. As we come to the close of the fiscal year for publishers and developers alike, what can we expect moving into their Q1? Beyond? What's going to be the next big game? Anything over the summer? E3's biggest announcement? Game of the Year already? Leave your thoughts in this thread.
There's so many huge titles that are releasing or already released this year. Poke'mon Black & White, Duke Nukem Forever, Gear's of War 3, Batman: Arkham city, the list goes on. I think the biggest hyped game for the Xbox 360 is going to Gears of War 3. Epic Games are already thinking smart by allowing fans to test their beta. In return, fans will be given skins

So many multi-platform games to choose. My prediction for best game of the year cannot be valid at this time. But, I'm leaning toward Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or Batman: Arkham City.
I concur with my good man Ugh. My immediate thought was for Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim to top it all this year. I guess GOW3 would be popular too, I've never played the series though.

I'm actually predicting Duke Nukem to be a bit of a fail. The actual gameplay in the trailer looks awful. And the only flaccid reason I would buy it is for the humour in it (shake it baby).

That being said, we always forget about the Wii. And this year the new Zelda is coming out, so that could be very interesting indeed - Wii-Motion-Plus-sword-action and all that! I'm looking forward to that the most [Link fan yo]
The games I'm looking forward to most are The Witcher 2, Dark Souls, No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise, Saints Row 3, and LA Noire.

Gears 3 looks like another Gears game, so that means I'll bro-op it with my friend and then never really care again. Resistance 3 is also coming out, which I'm getting simply because the weapon wheel is the best feature ever, and it looks alright. Arkham City looks good too, and the big thing with that is that while I thought Arkham Asylum was good but nothing too special, I did think it had a whole lot of potential.

But still, the big games that have come out so far, ie Dead Space 2, MvC2, DA2, and all the other hyped games, have been kinda... mediocre. That's a bit of a bad omen. Or perhaps a good one, depending on how you look at it.
I think there are some real big heavy hitters that could run away with everything this year. Arkham City, LA Noire, Elder Scrolls 5, and Mass Effect 3 come to mind. I don't think Gears is the type of game you'll see winning a lot of awards. I view other shooters like Battlefield 3 similarly - potentially great games, but not really the type to win large amounts of awards. You really need the story that goes with the previously mentioned games to win major awards, IMO. I wouldn't be surprised though this year if a few new indie games manage to steal the industry spotlight. Perhaps another minecraft kind of game that blows away industry expectations?
I think the new Zelda is going to turn a lot of heads. Everyone was up in arms when they first saw that Wind Waker was cell-shaded. A lot of people doubted Miyamoto and were quick to dismiss the game. It turned to be an awesome game, because Miyamoto almost never disappoints, and never does with Zelda.

Elder Scrolls 5 will be big, but the fact Duke Nukem Forever is actually coming out is the biggest news story. I don't think it will be that good, not terrible, but the hype of it actually coming out will keep it in people's heads for a while
I predict that Capcom will ride the MvC3 success as far as it can, releasing DLC character, stage and costume packs for at least the next half-year.

GOTY will be one of the most contested battles for the award ever seen, but will possibly go to a game that hasn't been announced yet.

Finally, after Duke Nukem: Forever hits shelves, Gearbox will announce Duke Nukem: Eternity, the next game in the franchise.
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